Pp 2

100 6 18

Asaad - Asa

Not gonna lie, in the beginning of my vacation I spent a good amount of time on my phone.

When I woke up, I was peering my screen and right before I went to bed, the same action took place.

Even with my phone muted or silenced, I couldn't help but pick up work related calls and venture through my messages as if it were a typical day. And even then, I wasn't this attached to my device.

It wasn't long before Sophia began complaining and after just the first day, I decided to turn my phone over to her so I could keep from entertaining everyone else.

We were now three days in and my mind began to wonder.

I couldn't lie and say that I didn't enjoy my time with Soph.. especially since we journeyed out almost six hours ours away from Hemsborow.

Honestly, I think the trip did help me to appreciate her more as a girlfriend than just a business partner.

We went for wine tasting, tried different cultural foods, played a few games with other couples we met, and she insisted on skinny dipping at the beach - which I turned down but she did gracefully.

After that skinny dip, she got fined a good penny but she laughed it off and said you only live once, and that's what really made me second guess my thoughts about her.

Sophia was actually fun outside of her working self. She had me doings things that I wouldn't have done in a million years, but I was always open to new experiences.

Truly, when I thought about it.. I think she'd be someone that mama would've liked.

"My dad asked about you, you know." She gave me an amused look, nudging me, playfully so I knew that it was good news.

"Yea?" I returned the look, actually feeling decent about this getaway.

It's crazy how some people won't even know what peace is until they experience it.

"Mhm," she agreed, digging her feet into the sand. "He thinks so highly of you and he's happy that you gave Abraham a chance.. knowing his past."

"People change." I was now the one digging my feet deep into the sand, immediately regretting it once I felt my temperature rise.

Sophia told me about Abraham's past before I even allowed him on my team, and I was skeptical at first, but once she explained fully I understood, not seeing much wrong with his role since he was an influenced boy.

"You sure you don't wanna go inside yet?" I asked, noticing that her skin was turning red even though she had that tanning spray that she swore up and down on.

"Nah," she smiled, holding her arms out for full coverage. "By the time i'm done, i'll end up looking like you."

"Sophia—" I prepared for an answer, but my phone began ringing in her see-through tote bag. "Let me see the phone, yea?"

She dropped her arms, letting them slam at her sides while dropping her smile. "Are you serious? We were doing so good!"

"I haven't been on the phone since after you took it, yea? It's been some days, give it to me." I remained stern with my last statement, not wanting her to joke around or use her fake sadness to sway me away.

She had an annoyed laugh before swiping it out her bag and handing it directly to me, this time with the tips of her fingers holding at the ends.

I answered, not even looking at the contact and immediately pulled my face back when the loud voice beckoned. "BAE!"

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