Part I

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Asaad - Asa

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Asaad - Asa

"You didn't tell me there was another girl, yeah?" Dad snapped the moment his body sprung through the front door. He didn't fail to slam it, gesturing his anger.

The old man didn't return home last night, and we assumed the worse, even reaching out to him with all calls being declined.

"What the fuck are you talkin' about?" I was having a needed conversation with Darius when Ezekiel decided to interrut. "And where were you last night?"

He had one job: get good with the elities so he was granted accesss to Yasmin.

He smacked his hand over his face, unbarebly, as though we've set him up. "There is another girl. Princess! And don't question me like you're my daddy, Asaad. I am a grown man!"

The frown on my face quickly released its self, falling short to a stale expression. Part of me was confused, lacking understanding on how and why she was now a factor in our plan, but the other part was truly concerened.

Last I've heard, she dissapeared with Isis, allegedly, but we all knew that was a false accusation. "As long as you live in my house, you follow my rules, yea?"

"W-WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" His mouth fell agape and he was appauled by my parenting him. "HOW DARE YOU TRY AND DISCIPLINE ME! ASADD, I QUIT! BRING ME BACK TO THE STREETS!"

"No," I mumbbled, taking a seat on my fluffed couch and bowing my head in thought. The more we advanced, the deeper our problems grew. There was more on our plate now. "You gotta talk to Princess, yea?"

Dad was truly horrified, revolted by my push for him to continue what we've planned. "I thought I was supposed to save one hoe, now you're telling me I have to save TWO?

"Just stop talking," I demanded, needing silence so I could properly think. As expected, he refused, protesting about me 'parenting' him again.

The only person I was gratful for, in the moment, was Darius. He was beginning to see the crazy in my father that I've warned about.

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