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☆ 68. Chapter 68

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68 Before returning to his farm, Xiao Baiyun shouted at the savage plane, and then continued to nest on top of Shan Yu's head. After one person and one animal came back, Shan Yu felt the things in the sea again, and then looked inward, he felt that his muscles and veins had widened a little, and he couldn't help but be happy.

Then he went to the low-tech plane for a while, and found that many plants were very similar to his farm, and he couldn't help but sigh, and he didn't know if it was from the earth plane, although there were no more of his relatives there, but the attachment to the earth still existed.

Until finally, he took another look at the place and left without hesitation.

The next night, the three of them got together for dinner, since Yalina retired, the atmosphere in the dormitory has improved, Wen Renlian has no opinion on Bei De, and the two of them get along well.

Wen Renlian was eating absentmindedly, Shan Yu glanced at her, and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

Wen Renlian poked the rice and said, "It's nothing." Shan

Yu didn't want to say anything, so he didn't ask anything.

When I looked back, I suddenly found that Beide was also a little absent-minded, what happened to these two people today?

"Bede, are you alright? Shan Yu still asked.

Bede came to her senses, shook her head, and said, "It's fine, just a little worried about a friend of mine, I haven't seen him in a few days."

Wen Renlian, who

was originally thinking about things, couldn't help but ask when she heard it: "I haven't heard that you have a friend, what's wrong with him?"

Beide thought for a while and said: "We occasionally meet in the star network, but we usually have contact, but I haven't replied to my private messages for the past two days, I don't know what's going on..."

Wen Renlian immediately said: "Ask my brother for help, let him help check, do you have the other party's address?" You can ask my brother to bring someone to look for it."

"This..."Bede They are really helpless because of their involuntary relationship, if someone really helps, it will be a great help, so they nodded, "Then it will trouble Wenren senior, but if Wenren senior is too busy, even if it is too busy, in fact, it may not be an accident."

"Either way, it's good to have peace of mind. After Wen Renlian finished speaking, she contacted Wen Renqian, and she quickly agreed.

However, Bede didn't know the specific address of the other party, only that he lived on a small planet not far from Lance, but fortunately, they had a very powerful hacker Carey, and soon knew the detailed address of Condensation.

"I'll send someone to help you find it first. Wen Ren Qian followed Shan Yu and said.

"Thank you, Senior Wenren. Bede thanked him sincerely.

"You're welcome, it's just a gesture. Wen Renqian glanced at Shan Yu and said, "You guys should rest early." "

Got it. Wen Renlian said.

After dinner, Shan Yu came to the Star Network early, and then teleported himself directly to the set mecha room, and positioned his location to Anan.

While Shan Yu was fiddling with his mecha, Anan finally rushed over.

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