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☆ 114. Chapter 114

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114 In this very distant dimensional space in the interstellar world, a figure wearing a black robe and his whole face covered by a cloak walked slowly, but the magic was that there was endless illusion under his feet, but in the depths of that illusion were countless rotten arms, as if they wanted to pull people into the abyss, but unfortunately those arms couldn't reach out in front of the figure.

There was a faint wind blowing around that person's body, but as long as he was hit by this wind, he would be blown to the ground in an instant, and even his soul would not be spared.

But none of this affected the man, and he walked slowly, every step as if it were leisurely, but every step was full of difficulties. There is an extremely faint aperture of light around his identity to protect him from the harm of this illusory space, but when can this aperture be protected...

The man's eyes under his hat were as terrifying as an eagle.

After a period of intense Xi, it finally reached the stage of the whole hospital assessment. Yalina was asked to suspend her studies from the academy due to a pregnancy incident, and she could not continue to study until she gave birth, which broke the hearts of many admirers, and some people thought it was ridiculous, so Yalina's reputation in the academy was probably not too good.

After Shan Yu attached a wisp of aura to Yalina, he stopped caring about her and began to enter the assessment.

For the stage of enhanced five senses and unforgettable, he has long been able to handy the written test, and handed in the paper in the light screen after a while.

The practice that followed was also completed quickly. So he left the assessment field under everyone's envious and shocked eyes, and Shan Yu stretched out in front of the sun, finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

I don't know if it's a good mood, there is also good news on the star network, the pregnant pill in his store suddenly poured into a large number of people, and it was sold out in an instant.

Shan Yu opened the star network in a daze, and then through searching, he found the reason.

The female who had bought the pregnancy pill before finally had feedback, and he took a direct picture of the examination report of a hospital, which immediately attracted the onlookers of the good deeds, and everyone said: "Is it true?" Although there is a certificate issued by the hospital, it does not mean that it is you, and I don't know if you can get pregnant before? "

In addition to boring idlers, there are also people who really care about it.

Therefore, the female sent the examination report that she was unable to have children before, and if it was the same as before, of course he would not have sent it, which was a desperate fact, and how could it be shared with others. But now, he is very happy, because he has already conceived a little life in his belly, and he is relieved of what he used to be.

Now he and his husband are so excited because of the arrival of this little life. Originally, the man had a helpless attitude towards what his female bought. Because of the inability to get pregnant, the females of his family either stuffed themselves at home or searched for all kinds of things about fertility on the star network, and they had reached a state of madness.

There were times when he didn't want to go home, and the female who had been looking up at him gently seemed to disappear in an instant, leaving only coldness and despair. But he still loves him, the two of them are in free love, and they talked for almost five or six years before they entered the palace of marriage, but the reality hit the two of them hard.

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