My Loss Or Yours?

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About 2 Weeks after me and Melrose broke up, a lot has happened. Basically, the modeling agency found out about my blood test and that I'm pregnant, so therefore I lost my contract. I cried really hard about that. I've been seeing Majesty every now and then and today he's coming to take me to my doctors appointment for my first ultrasound so I'm excited about that. I'm a little worried about my finances though because I'm no longer modeling so I might have to start working again cause no way in hell am I about to start depending on Majesty to pay for everything, especially if he turns out not to be the father. 

Around 2 pm Majesty picks me up and we head into the doctors office and nervously wait to be seen. Finally, Dr.Richmond calls us into the room to perform the ultrasound. It's a little weird cause I'm still not fat yet, but Dr.Richmond tells me that'd I have to wait a little past 2 months for that. So I have about 3 weeks left until people start noticing that I'm pregnant. Majesty holds my hand as Dr.Richmond rubs my tummy with gel and puts this device on my stomach and starts motioning it around until blurry images of fetuses show up on the screen.

"Jade, I will be happy to announce that you're expecting twins!" Dr.Richmond announces.

"OMG!" I scream

"For real, for real?" Majesty asks.

"Yes, I am being for real. As you can see on the left there is one fetus and on the right there is another." Dr. Richmond says as he points to the two blurs on the screen.

 Majesty starts to cry. "I knew it was mine. Me and my sister are twins." Majesty explains to the doctor. "My dad told me that if I ever got someone pregnant, there was a good chance it would be twins, since I am a twin."

I hang my head down low feeling a sense of sadness and closure that I won't have my happily ever after with Melrose.

"Umm, you know if it's boys or girls, or a boy and a girl? I ask.

"We will be able to tell on your next appointment." Dr.Richmond says as he wipes the gel off my belly and prints pictures of the ultrasound.

Majesty carries me in his arms out the doctors office, all excited. 

"Yo, whatever  happened to La La's baby?" I ask Majesty.

"Didn't I tell you?" Majesty looks disappointed as he lets me down, out his arms.

"No, you didn't." I shake my head

"She had an abortion cause she had a fetus test and found out it was Young Cocaine's.  Young Cocaine found out and whipped her ass, now he's locked up." Majesty shakes his head as he explains.

"Would you whoop my ass if I had an abortion?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Before I found out if it was mines, no but now that I'd know, I wouldn't whoop your ass. I'd murder you so quit talkin dumb and get yo ass in the car." Majesty gives me the most evilest look I have ever seen.

I truly miss Melrose and now I feel like I'm stuck with Majesty for life. Don't get me wrong, I got love for him and stuff but I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom or a mom to his kids. I wish I met Melrose before Majesty. Why'd I'd have to meet her through him? Anyways, as soon as Majesty pulls up to my place to drop me off, I've already decided that I'm going to see how Melrose is doing and break this awful news to her. Before I could head up to my condo and change, Majesty pulls me close to his chest. He hugs my head and kisses the top of it. I can feel teardrops on my weave. I look up at him and he pulls me back closer to his chest like he doesn't want me to see him crying.

"Majesty, why you cryin?" I make a sour face.

"Cause, I feel like I man now, like a real man. I'm a father and that shit is deep, Jade. I'm going to give our kids the world." Majesty promises as he wipes the tears from his eyes.

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