Chapter 15-Plan B

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"Liam, call me back, like now. It's a serious emergency," I say as I leave him about the tenth voicemail on his phone.

I can't believe I found it, in her room. I was so right about her. I've gotta stop her, and warn the guys. But how do I do that without letting her know that I found out the information. As I begin to examine the object, my phone suddenly lights up with Liam's face flashing on the screen. FINALLY!! THANK GOD!!!

"Liam, thank god you called me back. I need to tell you something-" I begin rambling.

"Liz, slow down. What happened?!?!" Liam stops me.

"The mask is gone-"


"That, and I did my own little investigation while you guys were recording," I tell him.

"Yeah, and?"

"I found something in her room."

"What?" Liam asks.

"The mask," I reveal.

"Are you sure it's the same one I gave you?" Liam asks.

"Yes I'm sure."

"Well what are we gonna do? Tell Lou-"

"NO!!" I blurt, "we are not telling Louis. We can't."

"And why not?"

"Because he won't believe us-"

"Oh, and you really believe that was Eleanor that attacked you?" Liam asks.

"Yes because she hates me."

"Look, I gotta go, I'll talk to you later about this," Liam says as he hangs up.

Great. I got no plan, and I'm in trouble, what else can go wrong? It has to be Eleanor, I mean, who else would it be? A crazed fan? No. One of the boys? No. Josh? I'm pretty sure he's dead last time I checked. Annabelle? That sounds crazy. Why would she wear a mask of her own face? And why did she have her face masked anyway? Did she ask to get it done? Or did someone decide to do it without her consultation? Way too many questions.....

Hearing the sudden and unexpected sound of a door opening, I jump in fright only to see Liam appear.

"What are you doing here? I almost killed you!" I yell in terror.

"With a pillow, Liz, really? You can't kill someone with a pillow, you know that right?"

"Whatever. What are you doing here? Where are the others?"

"I'm done recording for the day. Where's the mask?"

"Right here," I say as I hand it to him.

"This isn't the same one-"

"WHAT?!?" I freak out.

"This isn't even the same person."

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Why does Eleanor have a mask of Louis' face in her bag?"

"The fuck?!? Why would Eleanor pretend to be Louis?"

"Who says that this is even hers? Maybe somebody put it in the duffel bag," Liam wonders.

"Great. First the mask goes missing. Then I find out I'm pregnant and now this. Can this day get any worse?!?!"

"Wait, wait, wait, say that again?" Liam says, "you're PREGNANT?!?!"

"Surprise," I wimper.

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)Where stories live. Discover now