Chapter 27-Lost

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Well, looks like we lost Zayn. I guess he's not coming back. But, now what are the boys gonna do? They can't just go on without him? Can they? He's one of their strongest singers, that's not something you can replace.

"There you are," Harry calls, clearly out of breath, as he jogs over to where Eleanor and I are.

"Hi," I mumble.

"I'm sorry about what I said-"

"It's fine I don't wanna talk about it," I blurt, cutting Harry off.

"In other news, look what we found," Harry states as he clears his throat and pulls out his phone from his back pocket.

"It's a mirror," I say as I raise an eyebrow at Harry, "so what?"

"Zoom in tighter," Harry instructs.

"What is that?" I ask as I notice the red writing on the mirror.

"Hey that's my red lipstick!" Eleanor shouts, "so he stole my lipstick, but why? I've been looking everywhere for that."

"Looks like One Direction's down to four members," Harry mumbles.

Suddenly becoming quiet, the rest of the band eventually meets up with us in the hallway and we just stare in dismay at the phone, not believing that Zayn would actually leave the band when they need him most.

"Ow," I whimper as I shut my eyes tight.

"Are you OK?" Liam suddenly speaks up when he notices my discomfort.

"The baby," I whisper.

"Oh god she's not in labor is she?" Niall asks.

"No I'm not in labor you prick!" I snap, feeling as though my mood swings are out of control.

"Geez. Bitch," Niall mutters under his breath.


"I know, I know. You can't help your goddamn fucking mood swings because of your fucking pregnancy with the dickhead over here," Niall snaps, obviously referring to Louis.

I stare at Niall in shock over what he just said. What the hell got into him lately? Did something happen on his date with Rachel? Is that why he hasn't talked about her since? Niall storms off down the hallway, obviously pissed off. I look at the others to see what they are thinking but instead they're all just shaking their heads at him.

"Is he OK?" I ask, feeling the tension in the room.

"Does he seem like he's OK?" Louis snaps as he takes off after Niall.

"Well, we're screwed," Harry states as he throws his arms up in the air.

*The Next Night*

"You ready?" I ask Liam as he walks towards the stage door.

"I'm nervous. We all are. I mean, we've never done a performance without Zayn before."

"Who's gonna take Zayn's solos?" I ask.

"No idea. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be either Louis or Niall since they don't get many solos. I think it'll be Louis though," Liam answers nervously.

"You're gonna do fine," I whisper before I give him a kiss.

"I hope so," Liam mumbles.

"Here we go," Niall yells as he jumps out onto the stage, followed by the rest of the boys.

I make my way over to the couch placed backstage to watch the guys' performance considering this one will definitely be interesting without Zayn. I just hope they handle the pressure well.

"Come on boys, make Zayn proud," I whisper to myself.

I wonder where Eleanor got off too.........

I bet she's out in the audience.

As the opening beat for What Makes You Beautiful plays, the girls go into a frenzy. I look at some of the girls in the audience to see that they appear a little confused as to why Zayn's not up on stage with the rest of the boys. I don't think they really need to or want to explain what happened. Liam shakily gets through his solo, feeling relieved when he's finished. I watch as Harry just tries to remember the words. Wow. Zayn leaving is affecting the boys a lot more than I ever expected it to. When the chorus arrives, the boys don't seem to be having as much fun or enjoying it as much as they used to. Honestly, the concert seems dead without Zayn. Louis saves the day and claims Zayn solo, only to screw up the words three seconds later. Louis blushes and then Niall steps in, clearly trying to just rush through the song. The boys all look at each other, clearly embarrassed. They all give up trying to sing Zayn's solo so they just point the microphone to the audience signaling that they should sing Zayn's solo instead. It's just not the same if another guy sings Zayn's solo because everyone's used to hearing Zayn sing it, not someone else.

When the song finally ends, the girls just stare at the band, unsure of what just happened.

"As you guys may have noticed," Louis begins, "Zayn's not here with us right now."

Yeah, I'm pretty sure everybody noticed that as soon as you guys walked on stage Louis.

"Zayn's still feeling really gutted after that incident last night so he decided that he just couldn't let that happen again so he took the night off to help himself rehearse his solos so he wouldn't forget the words again," Niall lies, and he did a very good job of doing it too.

"So, instead of us singing Zayn's solos and screwing every single one of them up, we're gonna let you guys sing them instead!" Harry cheers, desperate to get a reaction from the crowd.

"BOOOOO!!!!" Girls begin to chant angrily, furious that Zayn isn't there with them.

"WE WANT ZAYN! WE WANT ZAYN!!!" The girls begin screaming, louder and louder every time.

Realizing that it's best to go to an intermission before the girls begin to go wild, the boys quickly scurry off stage.

"What happened?" I ask.

"What happened? The girls want Zayn that's what happened!" Harry shakily yells.

"If this is gonna happen every show than we can't do this anymore," Liam mutters.

"I think that was the first time I ever heard anybody boo us," Niall states.

" what?" Louis asks.

"Hey, where's Eleanor?" I wonder.

"She went home. She said she wasn't feeling too well," Louis answers.

"And you just let her go home by herself? You didn't bother to go home with her so you could take care of her?" Harry says, stunned at what a lousy boyfriend he is.

"I didn't wanna ditch you guys too. You guys need me now more than ever," Louis answers, "she's probably just pregnant."

"Wow......" I mutter to myself.

"If this is how the rest of this concert is gonna go, imagine how the rest of the tour is gonna go," Liam tells us.

I really don't wanna imagine the rest of the tour right now because honestly I don't see them making it even a quarter of the way through the tour......

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