Chapter 17

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Alyssa's POV

When I woke up I heard screaming coming from downstairs. I had noticed that my door was closed and Liam wasn't beside me.

I just put some slippers on and walk out of my room quietly. I walked to the balcony that over looks the living room where the boys were yelling.

"Harry, why are you acting like this?" Zayn says calmly.

"Because I feel like we are too young to care for her. She's 11 and went through a lot and it's a lot harder than we expected!" He yells.

"I though you loved Alyssa?" Niall asks. "I do." He says with a sigh. "Maybe she's just a bit too much." He says and fiddles with his fingers.

Then he explains why and my eyes start to get watery.

Harry doesn't want me. Louis doesn't want me. Nobody wants me. 'Your so pathetic. You actually thought they would want you?' A voice in my head says. 'Your only a publicity stunt for them. Your just worthless.' They continue to say in my head.

That's when I can't hold hold in my silent cries. They all looked at me, afraid that I heard what Harry said.

They start to walk up the stairs, Harry's first. I back up till my back hits the wall. "Love." Harry says. I shake my head and continue to cry.

"You don't want me. So why did you pick me?" I ask quietly. "Babe we do want you." Zayn says. "Is th-is what you m-ea-nt Harry?" I ask stuttering and whispering. He doesn't respond.

Harry's POV

It was early in the morning and I was arguing with the boys about Alyssa.

"I think we should reconsider the whole adoption thing." I said. That made Louis choke, Liam and Niall to stop what they were doing and Zayn to spit out his tea.

"What?" They say at the sane time. "I think we should reconsider." I say again.

That caused the whole fight and we didn't think she would hear but we were wrong.

We heard a cry from upstairs and we looked up and saw Alyssa. With tears streaming down her face.

We started walking up the stairs, me first. She backs up till she's at the wall. "Love." I say trying to explain but she shakes her head and continues to cry.

I feel so broken knowing how upset she is.

"You don't want me. So why did you pick me?" She asks quietly. "Babe we do want you." Zayn says. "Is th-is what you m-ea-nt Harry?" Alyssa asks me while stuttering and whispering. I don't respond. I couldn't. I didn't know how.

Alyssa's POV

After he doesn't respond I slowly walk away from them and dash to my room and they are right behind me.

I couldn't close the door to my room because I won't be quick enough so I locked the door in the bathroom.

When I lock it, I slide my back against the wall and put my knees in my chest and cry.

The voices in my head are calling me things which only makes my cry more.

The boys are banging on my door telling me to come out. Especially Harry.

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