Hold on [Requested]

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Shoot. One down. Shoot. One more down. Suddenly someone screamed your name. "Y/K/N!" And the second your name was spoken, you fell down. Your hand held onto your chest, as you watched Party Poison taking down the dracs he was surrounded with. Fun ghoul was shielding your figure, and when Party was nearly shot, you scratched together all the strength you had left to shoot the last one behind him. His head snapped around, searching for you, as if he wanted to compliment your nice shot. But his eyes widened as he saw you. He dropped his gun, and fell onto his knees next to you. "It's not that bad Party-" he huffed. "Not that bad, not that bad, y/k/n, this IS bad!" Jet was next to you, taking a look at you wound. Party's desperate cries for you to stay awake was the last thing you heard before you blacked out.
Oh god. Your throat was dry as the desert, your chest hurt and your stomach growled like it was going to eat itself. You opened your eyes, still feeling tired, but slowly sat up. This was your bed. You were at the diner. But it was so quiet. You stood up- at least tried. You didn't know how long you were out, but it seemed like your body was having issues with working on nothing. "Jesus Christ.." You mumbled, making your way through the door with shaky steps and both hands on everything that would help you steady yourself. Once the door opened you could hear soft noises. You weren't alone, that was a good thing, wasn't it? It sounded like the guys were eating, at least you could hear the metal sound of the cans of power pup. Your body was raging against every movement but at the same time determined to get any sort of food or water to make you move on. You felt relieved to see the backsides of your killjoy companions, and your conclusion was right- they were eating. "Hey, you guys mind getting me some of that shit too?" Suddenly party's head- and not only his- turned, and wide eyes looked at your fragile figure grabbing the counter to keep your body in an half standing position. Party nearly tripped a couple times making his way up to you, holding your body close as of you'd vanish every moment. "Oh god what are you doing! You're not supposed to be standing up!" You patted his back comfortingly. "I know, I know, but I'm up now so that's not something we have to fuss about Gee Queen." He chuckled and sniffled a bit, picking you up and carrying you to were the other guys sat. Everyone hugged you, ghoul actually nearly chocked you, being over emotional as usual. Even though power pup still tasted like shit, it felt great to have something in your stomach again. And after drinking some water your head was resting against Party's shoulder, who softly traced his hand up and down your arm. "How long was I out.?" You asked half sleepy. "3 days." You heard jet say. "So no wonder you were that hungry and thirsty. We were actually loosing hope on you." You opened one eye to softly hit his arm. "I'm not going without permission sir." You all laughed at that, and you yawned. Party picked you up without a word, and you felt yourself being laid down onto a soft mattress- but it wasn't yours. So you opened your eyes and saw party taking of his shoes and jacket, before he crawled onto the bed taking you into his embrace. "Let me guess.." You started. But he just chuckled and finished the sentence himself. "No, I haven't slept. Only for like.. dunno, 2 hours a day?" You shook your head. "What? I was worried shit about you. Don't do that again y/k/n." You playfully slapped his chest. " I wasn't planning on getting shot you know?" He didn't laugh. "I know. I just realised how much you fucking mean to me." You looked up,and he placed a gloved hand on your cheek. "I love you." You smiled brightly, bringing your head up to meet his lips. As you broke apart, you laid your head against his chest. "I love you too." And with that, his embrace got a little tighter, as if he never wanted to leave this moment ever again.

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