Black tight and just my size

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A/N: am I really the only one thinking basement Gee would be like in this imagine? Like how am I the only one imagining this-

You sat next to Gerard, well actually you laid in his bed, reading some comic. Your feet rested in Gerard's lap, and he played a video game you forgot the name of. Suddenly your comic came to an end, and you groaned, letting your book fall onto the floor. After a minute you sighed again. "What's wrong y/n?" He said, his eyes fixated on the tv screen. You turned your figure, and instead of your feet, your head rested in his lap now. Now he's stopped the game, 'pause' being visible on the screen. "Wh- what are you doing.?" You turned again, looking straight up at him. "Dunno. I'm bored." He blushed, you could see it, and you smiled inside. "Uhm so.." You stretched your legs. "Do something 'bout it." He scratched his neck, running a hand through his greasy black hair. "What am I supposed to do 'bout that.." You smiled seductively at him, and pushed your body up, deciding to tease him a bit. You were close to his face, and he leaned back a little, his face red. You loved to tease him, and he actually didn't despised it either. "Well, I knew something.." He gulped. "Y-you do.?" Your smile grew bigger. "Hmhm.. But that's something only two people can do.." He leaned back a little more, slipping with his hand on the sheets so he nearly fell on his back. "T-two pe- people.?" You nodded, and crawled on all fours closer to him. "Yeah. You could always do it alone by yourself but.." Your eyes scanned his body up and down. "That wouldn't be as much fun." A hand went to cover up his crotch, and you laughed inside. He fell onto his back, and looked as if he was a rabbit looking into the eyes of a starving wolf. "So what do you think." You said, hovering on top of him, your hair falling down one side next to his face. "I ah.. Uhm I uhm- I would like- ah-" he couldn't make a right sentence, his face was as red as a tomato and he averted his gaze from you as if his life depended on it. "Let's have.." You leaned closer. "Some fun playing Mario cart!" You said, holding up his controller. His eyes widened and he seemed puzzled, like his mind just had this typical scratching Noise of a vinyl. You now laughed, throwing yourself on your back next to him, and needed a minute to get a hold of yourself again. "I'm sorry- ah, oh god. I'm sorry but your face-" you wiped some tears away, but noticed he hasn't move yet. He just laid there like he got shot, and you looked over, using your hand to sit upright. "Gee.. Your alright?" You looked over again, leaning over his face, when he suddenly grabbed your face and kissed you. Now you were both red, and he stammered a 'sorry' as soon as he broke apart. "I just- ah god damnit, I uhm.." You kissed him back, laughing again. "God I love you!" You said chuckling, an he got red again, mumbling something and hugging you with a playful pout on his face. You smuggled into his chest, and finally your dreams of being held by him came true for you. "You should shower y'know." You said chuckling again. "Shut up." He said with a smile in his voice. "You're lucky I love you, with your greasy hair and baggy clothes and-" he hugged you tighter, cutting you off. "Okay okay I know I know I'm a fucked up guy, got it." You nodded. "But that's just why I love you." Gerard smiled and kissed the top of your head. "I love you too, you little demon." You smiled a toothy grin up at him, and he kissed you, crawling underneath the sheets with you.

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