Stop and think

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Gerard and you have always been very close. Frank always joked about your friendship, telling you both to 'just hook up already'. Sure, you liked him more than just a friend, but you were also sure he didn't. Whenever you tried to flirt with him he'd just smile, whenever you tried to make a little move he would just be totally oblivious. It frustrated you, so you stopped trying. It wasn't that it didn't matter to you anymore, but you just grew tired of fighting a war you couldn't win. So you both stayed friends.
Your coughs were filling the room,crashing the silent noises of your small apartment. You loved alone, pretty much, since your parents are mostly away. Ususally that wasn't a problem,you could easily take care of yourself- but hod did you feel miserable. And not only today, you lead missed two days of school. At first you just had a slight fever, nothing big. But now you were a mess, coughing and sneezing, and by now your stomach was even so upset it decided to send your little breakfast up again.
You heard the phone ring, and now you had to decide: get up and puke or stay in your position- and probably puke too. You slowly got up and grabbed the phone, your voice hardly sounding like yours when you spoke. "Yeah.?" "Y/N? Wow you really don't sound great." You laughed bitterly, clutching your raging stomach. "Nah, I'm fine Gee, don't worry 'bout it." Just as soon as you finished that sentence you had to cough like your love depended on it. Your throat burned and tears formed behind your eyes. "Yeah sure. I'm comin' over." You wanted to say something but already knew he'd hung up. Great. You didn't want him to get sick too.
Gee knew that you hid a spare key in one of the flower pots outside next to your front door, so it didn't surprise you when you heard the door open. You didn't even bother to open your eyes, far too exhausted from the latest rage of your stomach. Gerard seemed to think you'd fallen asleep, because he didn't make a sound-he tried to be as quiet as he could. You felt a soft but cool hand on your forehead, a hand that retreated instantly with a soft gasp. He brushed some of your hair out of your face, his hand lingering on your cheek a little longer than needed. You heard his figure shift, and after some seconds a blanket was thrown over you. You groaned, you were already feeling way too hot in this room. "Hey, so you're awake huh?" You heard him say. One eye forced itself open to look at him. He seemed like he just came from school; his uniform still on,and you could see his bag at the door too. "What did the doc say you should do?" He asked. You internally groaned. You were never fond of doctors or hospitals, so you hadn't seen one until now too. Even though you knew you should have. So you just thought about an excuse, when gerard sat down in front of the couch you were laying on, looking at you with furrowed brows. "Jesus you haven't been to one haven't you?" Wirh a pout, you nodded, not daring to look at him. So you focused on his tie instead. "God y/n you look horrible. I'm gonna call someone." You instantly began to panic. "No!" You said, your raspy voice cracking. But your statement about being fine you were about to make just got blown away by a coughing fit that shook your while body. Gerard patted your back, trying to soothe you somehow. "Yep, I'm so gonna call someone." He said, getting up to make the call you hated.
After the doc was there he'd given you some medicine, which made you extremely sleepy. So you slept. When you woke up, the silence was present once again. Only the noise of the clock in the kitchen, and the faint breathing of- wait what?
Nop,there he was, sitting down in front of your couch, sleeping. It was nearly dark outside, and you felt bad for making him stay, so you woke him up. "Gee.. hey gee." He softly groaned, mumbling something about 'have to wait until she gets better' before fully waking up. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and then looked at you. "You're awake! Hey, how're you feelin'?" You smiled. "Still a little shitty, but better, thanks." Now he smiled sleepily too. "You should go home gee. Thanks for taking care of me though." You said. But he shook his head. "Not gonna do. Already called my parents telling them I'm staying with you since we don't have school tomorrow." You frowned, not liking the idea of making him stay. But you knew you couldn't argue with him. So you started getting up, when he held you back down. "Whoa slow down lady, what do you think you're doin'?" You groaned. "Gee I have to at least set up a mattress for you to sleep on." He shook his head, laughing a little. "Nah, just tell me where it is and I'll get it myself. I'm gonna take care of you Wether you like it or not."
----time skip to non-sick reader----

"Y/N! Oh Jesus you're back!!" Frank practically tackled you down once you were about to get to your locker, and you hugged him back. You saw gerard smiling, watching the both of you on the ground laughing. "Frank I- oh god- you're choking me you know-" you said. Frank pulled back, helping you up. "I'm sorry I was just so worried 'bout ya! Gerard told me you were sick as hell!" You rolled your eyes. "It was nothing major." Gerard frowned but said nothing.

You both sat outside after school for some time,you sitting on a bench while Gerard was pacing a little. "You know, I don't like how you treat yourself to be honest." You didn't really heard him, so you just hummed an approving sound his way while your writing something down. "Y/n I mean it." Again, your mind was not with him. He sighed, reaching over to close your small sketchbook. "Hey!" You said, trying to get it back,but without luck. "Are you even listening?" He said, a little angry. "Gerard please I'm totally fine, now give me my god damn notebook back." You said, again trying to reach the object. But he held it too far. "Come on y/n, this isn't some kind of joke. I care about you god damnit!" Now you were the one angry. "Well don't, it's not like you care for me in a way I do!" And in a split second you regretted your words. Your hands flew to your mouth, shielding yourself from other words that may could've escaped your mind. Gerard lowered his hand that was holding your notebook, his face unreadable. A soft chuckle escaped him, as he looked at you. "Yeah, laugh at me for being so slow stupid for having a crush on her best friend,thanks." You said, crossing your arms in front of you. Gerard still seemed pretty well entertained though. "No, no y/n,that's not it. Frank told me like hundreds of times that I should tell you how I feel and I always told him that you're not liking me in that kind of way, that your not 'caring for me the way I do'." That's when he laughed again, holding his stomach. You just sat there, processing what just happened. Did he just confess to you? And suddenly his laughter stopped too, and he seemed to have the same thought, because his eyes showed a mix of panic and concern. "I mean I don't- okay I do but I don't uh-... oh god this is awkward now.." he rambled, scratching the back of his neck, brushing a hand through his black hair. "So you.. like me.. like.. 'love'-like or.?" You softly said, avoiding his gaze. "Yeah.. I mean I don't know how to put this.." he was nervous, you could sense it. "Ah fuck it." He suddenly said, dropping your small book, and pulling you up from your place on the bench. But the book was long forgotten once you felt his lips on yours. It felt so perfect, even better than you could've ever imagined. And suddenly you heard someone whistle, and when you turned around,you saw a cheering frank and Mikey giving you a thumbs up. You smiled, but blushed nonetheless, hiding your face in Gerard's shirt. "Gees gettin' some- Ow!" You mentally noted to thank mikey for that later.

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