Never regret

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Clouds. Sunset. Trees. Birds. Cars. Lights.

Things that were passing by at a running speed.
I saw them.
Yet I couldn't really pay attention.

My brother in the front was silent. He knew I didn't want to talk. I never wanted to. I usually slept, but this time my mind was too busy thinking about nonsense. Just like always.

I sighed softly, my hands opening my leather case that protected my phone from so many things. Mainly me, when I would decide to drop it. I pushed the worn down button on the side, and the screen flashed on. The clock told me just how late it really was. So I've been driving for more than 4 hours. Great.

"There's a gas stop nearby. How 'bout a break? Some coffee?" My brother looked at me through the small mirror in the front. I looked out of the window, and shrugged. "Okay." I said quietly, my give barely more than a whisper. He smiled a little bit, and pulled off to a little gas station.

As we got inside people stared. Of course. I wasn't a sight they were used to. A small woman, dressed in a white dress and a black green day jacket. My face was covered by the hood, only some small strands of my hair peeking out. I sat down, leaving the ordering to my brother.

I watched some people. There was a family. Two children. Around 3 and 6. The woman, who I assumed was their mother, looked tired. She remembered me of my mother. She seemed lonely. And not only physically tired. She seemed a little lost. Probably single. Must be harsh.

A cup of coffee was placed in front of me, and I looked up to see the face of my smiling brother. His smile was kind, comforting, but also a little sad. He was the only one left. He knew that. I guess that's obvious. I still don't know why he'd decided to come with me.

"You know-" he started, opening his bottle of coke. "I still don't think he's the perfect one."I sighed. I knew that. Many people had told me. And even more laughed inside when they heard he'd been send to prison. While my heart was crushed, they just smiled. As if they knew. "I know." I mumbled, taking a sip of my coffee, cringing at the taste. It was cheap. Not even really hot. But who was I to complain.

"But the 'one' is never really perfect, I guess."he said casually, taking another sip of his coke. He knew what he talked about. He was in another relationship with a girl that could barely pay her own bills, that seemed to be the grey flower no one would ever notice; but he still loved her. I smiled. They were such a pretty couple.

"Come on." He said, ruffling my hood gently. I just got up, leaving my cup abandoned. And when we got outside, the sun was starting to make its way down. Still, three more hours until the sunset would really start, but I could start to see it.

"You're comin'?" He said, and I snapped out of my inner talk. I'm thinking too much lately.

I buckled my seatbelt, and pulled the jacket closer to my figure, even putting my legs closer to me, making myself a tiny ball. I slowly put down my hood, revealing my, surprisingly not too messed up hair. I looked outside again, watching things run by. Another time. Again. Again. That seemed to be a word I was using a lot back then.

Suddenly the outside world changed, and my heart started to beat a little faster. The birds became seagulls, and I could see water in the distance. The sun was starting to set too. The colors always fascinated me. It somehow looked like a rainbow. A delicate one. Almost fading away under the pressure of the reds and yellows.

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