Summer snow

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School was a pain. But you couldn't stay home for the rest of your life too. Why home you ask? Well, you were hiding. The longer you staid home, the more you got scared to go back. What would people think of you? Would you be able to keep up again? To even catch up? All of those fears kept you away.
Suddenly there was a soft knock at your door. Your mom? No, she would just burst in. "Yeah.?" You said from under your blanket. Your eyes widened at who was standing there. "Hey.." He cooed, getting into the room and closing the door behind him, white plastic bag in one hand. "G-Gee?" You said with disbelieve. "What are you doing here.?" He shrugged, sitting down on the chair he placed from the small table to the front of your bed. He sat down, the bag at his side on the floor. His arms were placed on the back of the chair, since he sat on it with the back to the front. His head rested slightly tilted to the side, and as you both stayed silent for some seconds, he reached out to brush a hand through your freshly cut hair. "Didn't know you'd cut your hair short." You blushed. You always wanted it to be this short, it reached your shoulders, well, a little longer than that but not much. "It looks cute. I like it." He smiled his goofy smile, and you wanted to hide, but damn his touch was just so perfect, so, without permission of your brain, you leaned into his hand, and he smiled more kindly. "I missed you." He suddenly said, and you felt like a bunch of seagulls were raging in your chest. "Wh-" he sighed, cutting you off. "You asked why I am here. And I answered you. I just missed you." He started to pet your hair, his face showing concern but also a little tint of sadness. "Come back." You shook your head. "I can't." "Why no-" "because I already missed so much! I'm never gonna be able to catch up again, I'm just gonna fail.."
He stood up, and you prepared yourself that he would leave. But he didn't. You felt the mattress of your bed dip under his weight, and suddenly you were in his arms. "I don't wanna see you so sad." I sighed, slowly relaxing in his arms. "There's nothing to return to." Gerard suddenly sat up, and forced you to look at him. "Return to me." He said, and you looked at him confused. "I miss spending time with you. " You still wouldn't look at him. Then, he did something unexpected for you. He kissed you. "Gee.." You said without breath as you both parted. "I love you." And that did it. No one ever told you this. So that simple sentence started the waterworks. He laughed a little confused, but you needed a second to get some words out that wouldn't be interrupted by sobs. "I- I love you- love you too!" He smiled, relieved, and held you again in his arms. You enjoyed it. Every moment felt like heaven.
"So, y/n.." Frank started suspiciously. "If it scared you so much to come back, why did you?" You smiled and looked at Gerard as you three walked down the streets after school finished. "Well.." You started, watching Gerard smile next to you, taking your hand. "I guess I just needed to be reminded that there are more important things then simple fears."

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