A place for you and me

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Once there was a man, that could be described as someone your parents would warn you of. He'd punched someone so bad once that this guy had to be send to a hospital. And just because he asked for a light. Well no, he didn't ask him. He asked you.
He was possessive. He was dominant. Agressive. Even a little bit difficult to read. And if anyone would need someone to 'talk' to someone, they would get Gerard. The punk. The man who never gave any shit's about anything.

Once there was a young woman, full of life and her head full of dreams and fairytales. She was the kind human being every neighbour would swoon over, the little princess in the world of cruelty. Men would always look back after her, just because she was so stunning. She was beautiful. Graceful in everything she did. Kind. Even a bit shy. And if anyone needed someone to talk to, they would call y/n. The beauty next door. The girl that never seemed to be able to say no.

Soon they both met. It was as if you threw flowers into a fire. But the flowers never burned down. They captured the fire, they shielded it, they kept it safe. They caught it. They tamed it.
Gerard would never really fully change. But now, everyone knew that if y/n was around, he was like a different person. Kind, a gentleman, caring and treating his woman with the outmost care. Everytime someone asked him why he was so shy with his movements around her, he would always say: "I'm scared to break her."
But he didn't. He started to become a better person. He got a job, to be able to offer her the best he could. To offer her what she deserved in his eyes.
She,on the other hand, was always there for him. The first time she found him actually crying was surely a little weird, but she held him close to her, desperately trying to fix his broken mind. And oh she did. Soon he started talking open about everything with her, and it made him even more attractive to her. The way he randomly would started talking about something, made her giggle all the time. Like one time, they were both laying in bed,and suddenly he just started talking about comic books. The things she hated about herself,he just never saw. He only saw a perfect angel in his eyes, not flawless, of course, but he always insisted on that.
She told him the same. What he hated most about him, she loved. His flaws were beautiful in her eyes. She felt safe around him, loved, admired. They were perfectly imperfect for each other. They'd build their own little world for themselves only.
Just a small place for them.
A small little place.
For them.
And them alone.

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