The Matthews

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I got this idea from some tumblr head cannon. If I find the account I will come back and edit it, I think it was thishornblowsatmidnight "Riley with a minkus." ? Not sure. The original is way better but anyways here ya go,


"Hey Farkle can you get more popcorn from the kitchen?" Maya asked. They were watching a movie in Riley's room. Friday night tradition. He nodded and got up. He almost walked into the kitchen but stopped when he heard the Matthews talking on the couch.

"What are we gonna do about this triangle thing" Topanga asked Cory with a coffee cup in hand. Farkle immediately froze at the door way.

"I'm not sure Topanga. I just feel bad for all of them" Cory sighed. Farkle slowly crouched to the ground still listening behind the door frame.

"Lucas is such a nice boy. I just hope he makes it out alive" Topanga sighed and put her cup down on the table, "If he doesn't choose Riley, who do you think Riley will end up with?"

"I think you know..." Cory trailed off, Topanga just smiled at him knowingly. Cory was ecstatic, he jumped up and down on the couch out of excitement, "I've seen the way they look at each other. It's the way I look at you"

"Who do you thinks worse about it, Farkle or Riley" Topanga asked getting giddy in her spot on the couch.

"Riley, maybe. Just the way they look at each other is so... and I have too watch them fall in love before my eyes" Cory said and suddenly became sour, he grimaced "gross"

"Now you see how mr Feeny felt" Topanga said laughing quietly. Farkle sunk to the ground and listened to every word they spoke.

"they seriously do not know what personal space is, Topanga, it's worrying" Farkle really started evaluating himself and Riley at this moment. He had a girlfriend. He can't look at at Riley that way! But he did

"I have noticed them talking more privately lately without the others" Topanga said. She isn't wrong, Farkle thought to himself. He cared about Riley and would always be there for her and of course he would talk to her.  "he's always climbing through the bay window late at night."

That wasn't wrong either. He would be there when she needed him, late at night, early morning. Any time of the day.

"He wants Riley to be happy. And he thinks Lucas is the only way" Cory sighed again.

But that is the only way, Farkle said to himself, Riley likes Lucas and Lucas seems to be the only thing that makes her happy even if he is just a face!

"When do you think they'll figure it out?" Cory asked gesturing towards Riley's room. Farkle was thankful that Mr. Matthews couldn't see him over the couch.

"I'm not sure just yet Farkle is a genius, but even science can't determine love"

"Riley needs him."

"And he needs her"

Farkle ran back to the door of Riley's room. Could there be some truth in what they were saying? Farkle shook his head think, no they're couldn't be.

He opened the door slowly, looking at Riley. To which she looked up confused "where's the popcorn, Farkley?"

"Oh um I couldn't find any" he lied, he couldn't tell them what he just heard.

Mr and Mrs. Matthews couldn't be right, could they? Of course he's loved Riley since the first grade, Maya equally as so.

But as any genius would know, equally doesn't always mean same.

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