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Prompt: Words are a form of feeling.


Riley walked up the stairs leading to the roof. She wanted to stargaze for just a while. She walked onto the roof confronted by Farkle minkus looking up at the stars. She walked over to him, Farkle still looked at the stars.

"What are you doing up here?" She asked. Farkle brought his mind back down to earth and looked at her. He slumped his shoulders.

"Don't know, waiting for someone to tell me to leave" he said plainly before focusing his eyes back on the stars. "Well in reality the sky looks prettier from here"

"Farkle your bedroom ceiling is a planetarium" Riley stated.

"Well, although space is science, when I look from your roof it's not" Farkle stated. Riley furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Farkle smiled at her, "maybe it's because your here, but I don't see constellations like I do when staring at my ceiling, I see far off places that are filled with hope."

"I've set that in your mind?" Riley asked tilting her head. It seems as if every time she looked at him her head tilted, and she only did it when looking at him.

"Yeah of course, when I'm with you science doesn't need to be correct" Farkle stared at her beautiful eyes, they were a galaxy onto their own. "So, Riley, why are you up here?"

"Same as you. Although I mainly come up here to think"

"Well what are you thinking about?"

"Words. Your words. My words. Everyone's" Riley said looking up at sky, connecting stars into shapes. "Words that probably don't even matter, but I guess to me they do"

Silence of they're voices rang through the air. All you could hear was the sound of the noisy city in the nightlife. Farkle pondered over Riley's words. Huh, words. "Words are sounds we make to motion to another what we think, do, and feel," Farkle stated, he sounded like a dictionary.

Riley looked down from the sky to Farkle. Her brows furrowed, "but certain types of words can make them never leave your head."

"I hope they're all angels" Farkle said

"Most are demons." She corrected, Farkle frowned at her.

"Riley you can always tell me anything" Farkle said placing his hand on her forearm. "Please tell me if someone is bullying or being mean to you"

"Myself. I keep telling myself things that one should never say to another" Riley said blandly. "Saying to myself that no one cares about you, and that they only care that you're happy."

"If I have ever said that to you, I'm sorry" Farkle apologized, Riley looked at him with her eyes twinkling in the moonlight. "That's not the reason I love you"

"You love me?" She asked unsure of what she had asked. Farkle nodded,

"Yeah i have since I met you" Farkle stated smiling softly at her. "Words are a form of feeling"

"And I'm telling you with words what I'm feeling" Riley finished, smiling brightly. "Farkle the words i want to tell my feelings are, I love you, please make these words that I've programmed into my head go away"

"Any chance I have, I will do my best" Farkle responded dropping his hands to hers grabbing them lightly. Riley smiled at him happily tilting her head to the side,

"Stargaze with me?" She asked stepping closer to him.

"Anytime you allow me" he said before they both looked back up at the stars. Farkle wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her closer. He leaned down and whispered in her ear,

"Your my star", sending shivers down Riley's spine. She looked at him smiling.

"and your all the words that have me standing here with you right now" she said pointing her finger down at the ground. Farkle leaned down and kissed her lips lightly, not wanting to pull away, but he did. Riley put her head on his.

They both looked deeply into each other's eyes, galaxies. Riley and Farkle both whispered at the same time, "words."


This is a vv quick update just to thank y'all for 5k reads, y'all guys are vv amazing.

I'm legit thinking about posting episode reviews. What would y'all think?

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