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This isn't my best but I tried, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I write and write I just never publish, it's weird.

Prompt: lets just say shelter in place really means shelter in place.

Anyways enjoy.


Riley and Farkle were walking down a small corridor near the gym. They were trying to find a short cut to her fathers class from they're science class. Riley turned to Farkle, "we've already looked twice for a short cut. There's only so many ways"

"Riley we can't afford to be late anymore to you fathers class" Farkle stated "we're lucky your father hasn't given us detention"

"Yeah yeah I kno-"

She was soon interrupted by a large voice over the intercom rang through the hallway, "SHELTER IN PLACE FIND THE NEAREST CLASSROOM OR BATHROOM"

They both looked at each other with a concerned look. Farkle and Riley rushed to the boys locker rooms. Not realizing the door was locked behind them. They looked at their surroundings. All Riley could think was that it smelled like overly used cologne and football, and Farkle had never been so surrounded by football equipment. They stayed by the door waiting for an all clear when thunder shook the building. Riley jumped and crawled into Farkle's arms laying her head on his chest.

"Farkle when do you think it'll be over?"Riley asked shaking slightly. she had always been majorly been afraid of Thunder and lightning. Rain, not so much. Thunder, yes so much.

"Soon Riley, soon" he said slightly choking on his own words. he hated seeing riley so terrified. it made him want to be a strong Squeaky the mouse, which he knew he could never be.

"Farkle what if the storms so bad it blows away the roof?" riley asked

"Riley that Hypothesis hopefully won't get that bad" farkle stated rubbing her back, "It won't get that bad I promise, and if it does I'll always be here"

"Thank you Farkle" she said as she snuggled more into Farkle's chest, gripping on to his shirt.


It's been an hour and they still hadn't heard anything. Farkle and Riley both tried texting Maya but their phones had run dead. Farkle tried opening the door, "uh riles I think we're locked in here"

Riley shook her head and began to pace "what if we're trapped in here forever?! What if we never get out?!" Riley said frantically. Farkle grabbed on to her forearms. They both were standing face to each other, but Riley was avoiding eye contact.

She felt embarrassed for being so afraid. This is Farkle we're talking about, why are you so scared?, she asked herself. She kept her eyes wondering away from his face, as she did she looked for exits that could be open.

Farkle searched her face and posture. He remembered a couple of things from this class he had been taking for high school credit. He could tell she was scared, but that was obvious.

"Riley look at me. It'll be alright I promise" Farkle promised. She looked straight into his eyes nodding slowly. "I'll find away out okay?"

"Okay." she said quietly. Riley started looking around the room once more for another way out when she spotted some keys. She walked out of Farkle's light grasp and grabbed the keys before turning back to Farkle smiling.

"We're locked in from the outside" Farkle said. Riley shook her head and walked to the coaches office before unlocking it. A huge smirk spread across his face. "The coaches office is usually connected to the locker room, so I figured.."

He ran and picked her up and spun her around. "O my god you're a genius Riley!" Her smile was filled with pride as he set her back down. His hands were still on her hips. They were inches apart. They both backed away at the same time. Farkle let go of her hips. Riley backed slowly into the office turning around as she hit the desk. Farkle followed in racing to the phone on the desk. He began dialing before he realized the connection wasn't working. He looked up sadly and saw Riley opening the door to the hallway entrance to the office. "This is why I love you" he said racing over to her and grabbing her face smashing her lips against his. He was just so happy he couldn't help himself. They broke away. Farkle and Riley both had stunned at what had just happened.

"I... uh...." Farkle said trailing off. Riley still looked stunned. She had thought at least once or twice about how his lips would feel against hers but never did she think it would actually happen.

" lets go check to see what's going on" Riley suggested before walking off into the hallway. She wanted to avoid the awkwardness which seemed to already have consumed them.

Farkle followed a bit disappointed. Although he hadn't kissed on purpose,
And was fully an act of doing before thinking, he wished he had gotten some something out of her like did she like it or not? Or at least something that revolved around the kiss. Farkle sighed knowing he wouldn't ever kiss her soft lips again. Farkle looked to Riley who had already been looking at him, she snapped out of her daze and said, "Let's go to my fathers classroom" trying to shake of the undeniable truth that she was feeling.

When they got there multiple police officers that had been stationed here were there. Both Farkle and Riley looked at each other with confused and concerned facial expressions.

Maya was pacing up and down the hallway. When she finally saw them she ran and hugged both of them screaming, @
"where were you!!" Which got the attention of the police officers who quickly were notified who they were. A police officer and Mr. Matthews, walked up to them. "Would you like to tell us what happened"

Riley nodded before starting off, "When the alarm for taking shelter took into affect we weren't by any class rooms-"

"So we took shelter in the locker room" Farkle continued before letting Riley take over.

"Not realizing that the door locked us in"

"We found a way out by going through the coaches office" Riley finished not mentioning that Farkle kissed her. She did not want an angry Matthews to kill her Farkle.

"Well we're glad your safe" the police officer said before walking away. "Well I have been notified that school is being let out early due to the flooding" mr. Matthews said before turning back to talk to the some teachers.

"Y'all caused quite a stir" Maya said "you've been missing for over an hour"

"What?!" Riley said stunned as Farkle. Maya nodded fiercely, "Anyway I'll meet you at Topanga's later, okay?" Maya just nodded and walked away.

Riley looked up and down the hall way noticing that everyone was gone except her and Farkle.

Farkle turned to Riley "look I'm sorry for kissing I was just sup-" he started to apologize but Riley pulled him to a blocked of corner, and pushed him up against the hidden locker. She put her lips to his. She pulled away smiling "thank you for always believing in me"


Hello again hoped that wasn't as bad as I thought.

Comment prompts you know I like 'em

Ok that sounded a lot more weird then I intended.

Goodbye. Don't die, and have a wonderful day ☺️

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