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Prompt: it's Christmas and its Riley and Farkle's first Christmas as a couple. Though no one knows they're together.


What a jolly day to be alive! Said no one in the world besides Riley Matthews.


Farkle climbed through Riley's Bay window to find her getting dressed. She was only wearing her bra and pajama pants. She jumped when she saw him. Farkle let out a small chuckle before handing her the gift. Riley tried ushering it away, but Farkle insisted.

"Farkle you didn't have too" Riley said as she opened the box. Two necklaces with a pendant one was on a chain the other was on a leather string.

"Of course I had too your my girlfriend" Farkle said as he rested his head on her shoulder, leaning over her. She loved it when he said that. He couldn't say it to often unless they were alone, which she also didn't mind either. "Let me put it on you" he took the ends of the chain necklace and put it around her neck she turned around holding the pendent,

"Pluto" her face was beaming. "Now you" she said and turned him around. She had to get on her tippy toes to tie the necklace around his neck. He was getting to talk for her liking but she didn't mind it too much. Farkle turned around and looked down at her.

"You. Me." He whispered.

"Pluto." Riley continued. She got on her tippy toes and kissed him. She broke away and grabbed the present behind her that was sitting on her vanity. She was planning on going to his house later to give it to him, but he's here now so might as well. "I wasn't really sure what to get you but I hope this is alright"

Farkle took it from her and unwrapped it. It was a signed copy of Stephen Hawking's A brief history in time. "O my god! Riley how did you get this?!"

"Not sure I found it at an antique book shop"

"Thank you" he grabbed her face kissed her which soon turned into a mini make out session. They broke apart when Topanga called Riley from the living room. "COMING MOMMY" she called out. Riley grabbed a T-shirt the looked familiar.

"Riles is that my shirt?" Farkle asked pointing to the shirt she had grabbed.


"Did you steal my shirt?"

"Well you know how we you know...Hamilton" Farkle nodded smirking,  "I took it with me"

"Well let me just say you look beautiful in it" Farkle said checking her out. Riley blushed.

"Do you wanna stay?" Riley asked before she walked to her bedroom door.

"Sure, let's do this thing" Farkle smiled wider than ever.

They walked out of her room together. They saw everyone gathered in the living room. "Hello Farkle what do we have the pleasure of seeing you here?"

"My parents decided a last minute business trip and i was bored"

"Oh why didn't you tell us? Come help me set the table Farkle" Topanga said getting up from her spot on the couch Farkle looked back at Riley, in which she was nodding. Riley walked and sat next to Maya and Her Father.

"Riley that's a pretty necklace where'd you get it?" Cory asked his daughter. Riley wasn't really sure what to say.

Meanwhile Farkle was putting placemats down. As he leaned over the necklace fell out of his shirt. "That's a nice necklace Farkle. I never really pictured you as a necklace person" Topanga said gesturing towards his neck.

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