The bear

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Hello again, a bit of information to know before you continue some of the lines in here reference towards Couldn't-think-of-a-funny-name's head cannons on tumblr which I absolutely adore. Srsly they are amazing.

Let's go.

Also Riley and Farkle are in college


Farkle bolted up the fire escape holding a fluffy stuffed animal. As soon as he read Riley's message he walked out his dorm room door. He was so lucky that Riley had a fire escape at her apartment complex.

He climbed through the unlocked window finding Riley curled up in a ball on her bed. Farkle walked towards her and climbed in next to her. He set the bear aside, then. Wrapped his arms around her cradling her.

"They're moving out of my childhood home to go back to Philadelphia" she mumbled. He could already feel the wet splotches on his t-shirt. "That's like they're stealing my childhood"

"Riley maybe it was time for them to go back home" Farkle sighed, "with auggie graduating high school and all.."

"I know but I grew up there, all my memories are there" Riley said as more tears fled down her face. "I mean, I even remember when we first moved there, it was when my parents finally stopped fighting"

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Farkle asked, far as he knew Cory and Topanga weren't the fighting type, sure they bickered but still.

"I don't necessarily like to remember that part of my childhood" Riley stated looking at her bedroom wall, "it makes me remember that I was a mistake, that I potentially ruined my parents future."

"They couldn't even take care of me half the time it was always my uncle Eric" Riley continued, "I hated it when we moved to the larger apartment because when we did I lost my best friend, but it made the yelling stop"

"Plus the neighborhood that we lived in was very dangerous for a little girl to grow up in but it was all my parents, Shawn, and Eric could afford, my parents became that couple always fighting over money issues. Why do you think that purple cat meant so much to me? I spent the first 6 years of my life alone and scared. My only friends were the stuffed animals my uncle Eric got me"

Riley never talked about her parents fighting or living in a rural neighborhood. Farkle had known her forever but she never told him about this.

"My parents hoped I would forget or wouldn't remember considering how young I was, but I remember. I remember almost all of it"

"Why hadn't you told me?" Farkle asked once more

"I didn't want you to see me as anything other than a happy person with a happy family, when you came to my window almost every night because you're parents were too loud.. I-I wanted to be your safe place." Riley stuttered out trying to remember "I wanted my home to feel safe so you wouldn't have to go through what I went through alone and scared"

"I appreciate that Riley, thank you for letting me climb through your bay window when I needed it" he said smiling. "Riley remember that bear?" Farkle asked. He had almost forgot in the midst of they're conversation, "you know the one you lost during freshman year?"

Riley nodded slowly, getting flashbacks to the bear that her parents gave her when they had to work. She remembered that it happened shortly after they moved to the larger apartment, and Riley was sick. "Yeah what about it?" She sniffled and sat up.

Farkle slowly reached back behind him and grabbed the bear. He placed it slowly on Riley's lap who was gaping down at the brown bear.

"Farkle.." She said breathlessly. She stared at the now non-faceless bear. She remembered all the memories she had with the original bear.

"I got it after you lost it, I knew how devastated you seemed, but I didn't know when would be a good time" Farkle stated, "it seemed like now would be good"

"Thank you Farkle" she said hugging the bear, "your so great to me Farkle"

"I'd do anything to make your tears go away" he said smiling sadly at her as he wiped away a tear that had ran its way down her cheek.

"You know I once promised to Maya that I'd never settle for anyone less than you" she said smiling at him as she messed with the Beary's ears, "I love you, Farkle"

Farkle smiled widely. He leaned down and kissed her lips lightly, "and I love you"


Vv short and sweet

Anyway I'm back at home from my trip to Orlando.

ALSO FARKLE's story I promise to make an episode review after it officially airs

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