Dancing in the rain

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Second update today!! I feel proud. Maybe it's because I have no life but who cares.

Wondering if y'all wanted me to put music at the beginning of the chapter to listen to while you read?

Prompt: exactly the title.

Very short. It was just a Drabble I wanted to do, so I hope it's good.

Word count: 666 lol

Genre: fluffy

Let's get to it

"You can't be serious, riles" Farkle asked as they sat on her bed. Farkle was spending the night for the 2nd time this week and honestly he didn't mind.

"I'm being completely serious" Riley said as she looked out the window. It was raining hard outside and all she wanted to do was dance in it.

"But I thought you were scared of thunder?" Farkle asked jittery in his stance. Yeah cause she was the one afraid of thunder

"What's the problem with a bit of excitement" she said her eyes wild and filled with joy.

"When it can kill you!" Farkle exclaimed waving his hands. Riley let out a small giggle. Riley held out her hand for Farkle to take. Farkle settled down and looked her.

"Fine but dance with me for a bit?" She pleaded. Farkle took her hand. Riley stepped through the window. Her hair becoming damp.

"Of course" he sighed and followed her out into the rain. They began to sway back and forth, drenched on the terrace outside the bay window. Farkle rested his hands on her hips, and riley dangled her arms around his neck. Who would have thought someone could look so beautiful in the rain?" Riley blushed and looked away from Farkle.

"Don't know, maybe it's just because I'm beautiful in general" Riley said with a smirk. He didn't deny it, she was the most beautiful thing in all eternity.

"It was a rhetorical question" Farkle stated. Riley let out a small laugh glancing up at the sky. She flinched as a water droplet hit her eye which made them both giggle.

"Farkle do you ever wonder how water was like created and why we need it?" Riley asked wiping her eye. Little tiny droplets streamed across her eyelashes.

"I think it was just there in the beginning, and we just decided we wanted it so we've complied our selves to always having to drink it" Farkle responded with his smart talk.

"You think it rains on Pluto?" Riley smiled up looking up at him. She remembered when she had to look down at him, she missed his turtle necks, but she still had him and that's all she cared about.

"I think it snows, because it's so far away from the sun" he said gesturing toward outer space.

"But yet it feels so close" Riley got on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek "I love you Farkle, thank you for always being there for me" Riley whispered against his cheek. she rested her head on his shoulder. Farkle paused taking in everything that was Riley. He loved how she always smelled like flowers, and how she always had something purple on just cause she loved that color so much or how much she loved Pluto.

"And I love you" Farkle finally said. Riley looked up again staring into his eyes, glancing back and forth between his lips. Farkle bit his lip before leaning in, touching they're lips together. Farkle put his hands on her jawline. Riley stepped closer deepening the kiss. They moved together with such swiftness. They were soaked in rain water out on her terrace but who cares it was just them. Thunder crackled through the air. Riley jumped as the broke apart.

"Please tell me you'll dance in the rain with me again?" Riley asked wrapping her arms around his waist, bringing him closer. Farkle moved a strand of hair behind her ears he smiled and pecked her on the lips,



That was awesome.

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Three worded sentences are the best :))

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