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Prompt: basically the Riarkle version of the camp fire scene except at ski lodge. There is no triangle. Smackle is dating Zay.


Riley had decided to go outside for a while she had been cooped up in the the lodge all day due to her ankle. She hobbled over to the swing seat. She stared at the sky. The stars were bright like always. She wished she could see Pluto from here, but alas it was to far away like always. She frowned and looked around her surroundings. Everyone was asleep except her. She was alone. Or she thought she was.

"Riles, you okay?" Riley looked up to see Farkle holding a blanket and a cup of water. He sat down next to her giving her the cup and covering her with the blanket. She nodded,

"What are you doing up so late?" She asked turning to him slightly. 

"I could ask you the same question" Farkle chuckled. Riley watched as her smile grew wider with his.

"I asked first" Riley said playfully. She took a small sip of the water.

"I couldn't sleep, you?"

"Same. I can't get to my room on the 2nd floor" Riley said nodding her to the stairs inside.

"If you want you can sleep in my room" Farkle offered "it's on the bottom floor"

"In a little bit" Riley leaned on his shoulder. They both sat there staring at the stars. Her cold body felt against Farkle's warm one from being inside. Riley looked back up at the stars trying to connect them.

"Is it possible, Farkle, to create a new constellation?" She asked. Farkle looked at her then back at the sky befuddled by Riley's question. He'd always stuck to the constellations that were set.

"Yes, I guess you could." Farkle answered, "the only reason we have named constellations, is because people named them for us, so we wouldn't have to come up with it ourselves."

"So once again, humans being lazy?"

"Exactly, but it's mentally lazy not physically. Humans are just mentally lazy at wanting to come up with there own constellation"

"Their creativity levels aren't trained to do that anymore because other people did the work for them" Riley continued. "Nasty humans" she snarled.

She felt Farkle shiver at the contact next to her, even though a small chuckle filled the air, she could feel his cold body. She noticed that he was only wearing a jumper and long sweatpants. She didn't want him to freeze so she did the only logical thing, "Farkle can you help me inside?" She asked setting the cup to the side.

Farkle nodded and got up slowly taking Riley with him. He held her for arms to steady her. Riley smiled at his touch. Farkle looked down at her and smirked,

"haaaa" he laughed but soon realized how close they're faces were. They could see the condensation of they're breaths. Riley tried taking a step forward but tripped. Farkle caught her leisurely without breaking eye contact. She could feel the tension between them. Farkle lowered his head to were they're lips almost touching. Riley closed the distance. Although they kissed softly it sent shocks up her spine. Kissing him felt amazing. Farkle pulled away shocked by their actions. Farkle just stared open mouthed at Riley.

"I think I'll take you up on that room offer" Riley said reaching up shutting his mouth. Farkle smiled and helped her back to his room.

"Let's be glad your uncle's asleep he would have gotten us by now" Farkle said making Riley let out a stifled laugh. They got to the small cabin room. Riley sat down on Farkle's bed taking off her shoe before grabbing a pair of Farkle's sweat pants and one of his shirts. She looked to Farkle asking for permission.

"I don't mind" Farkle said smiling. He honestly didn't, he loved it when she wore his clothes, she always looked beautiful in them.

Riley looked to him gesturing for him to help her to the restroom. She thanked him and proceeded into the bathroom closing the door behind her. She limped to the mirror.

Riley looked tired for one, but she couldn't help to also feel at home. She kissed her best friend, and it felt like home. He feels like home. She smiled to herself. Riley changed carefully into Farkle's clothes. She took off any access makeup, and limped back into the main room to see Farkle shirtless. He noticed her and over to help her. He put one arm around her waist, and the other held her hand. Farkle led her to the bed letting her sit down. Her eyes boggled at Farkle's bare chest.

"You alright?" Farkle asked grabbing a shirt, and put it on. She frowned,

"Yeah I'm just tired" she yawned, and rubbed her eyes. Farkle walked over and sat next her. He turned to look at Riley.

"Are we gonna talk about what happened?" Farkle asked gently. Riley turned to him.

"Farkle I felt something." Riley said staring straight into his eyes. Farkle smiled and cupped her face lightly. She pulled him into another kiss. This one felt like fireworks setting off in her brain. Everything around them moved in slow motion. Riley put her arms on Farkle's waist bringing him closer to her, deepening the kiss. They pulled apart searching for air. They looked at each other not breaking eye contact.

"Haaaa" Farkle said breaking the silence. Riley put her hands to his jawline. Farkle's breath hitched.

"Let's stop doing that" Riley said giggling.

"But I like kissing you. It makes me happy" Farkle smiled caressing her cheek. Riley looked down smiling to herself. Farkle wrapped his arms around her hugging her tightly. Riley gladly hugged him back.

He let go, and climbed under the covers gesturing for Riley to climb under too. So she did, and cuddled up to Farkle slowly drifting off. Farkle knew that it seemed creepy but he watched her sleep before finally falling asleep himself.


Because I have no life, I GOT 4K FÜCKING READS. I'm pumped AF.

So to thank y'all, I wanted to now if y'all would want to do a Q&A?
Just with like simple questions about me or GMW and stuff.

So would y'all wanna do it?

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