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Second update today. Woah look at me go.

Anyway... This one shot starts out the same as my "trees in the moonlight" one- shot because I legit came up with two different versions.


Riley was just sitting at her bay window thinking about everything like she does every night. This hole triangle situation was killing her. She doesn't want to,

A.) Hurt Maya

B.) Get hurt.

Frankly she just wants to escape for a while. She looked out the bay window, looking out into the city lights glow in the dark. She had never been tempted, but as of now it seemed like an idea, not a good idea, but an idea.

She grabbed a bag, some clothes, her phone, some rope and some cash. She climbed out the window not even bothering putting pillows under the covers to fake her being there and turned off her fathers gps tracker in her phone. This wasn't her, but it felt like her. It felt like she was finally free. She decided to get on the subway. She wasn't sure where she would go from here just not back home. It was almost midnight and she was a 15 year old girl running away. She could go to Maya's but she can't tell her why she wants to run away. Maya had her own feelings to worry about and she definitely did not need an emotional dump from a girl who wants to run away. She got off the subway which was fortunately near Central Park. She kept her head up walking like she was sent to murder captain America. It's one of the things she learned from living in New York. If you walk like you want to murder someone no one will mess with you. She decided to wonder the park for a while before deciding to climb a tree. She looked around to make sure no one saw her. She tied herself to the tree like Katniss Everdeen and held her bag close.
1st day as a runaway

She woke up at dawn still tied to the tree. She decided to get down and wonder the park until she knew school started. She snuck back to the apartment and grabbed some food noticing her mother was gone to drop off Auggie and left again. She went back to the subway and took the train back to the park.

She was terrible at running away wasn't she? She had zero clue what she was doing. She had to go somewhere. Where could she go? She kept walking. Until someone catcalled her,

"Aye sweet thing goddanm"

she stopped in her tracks, but kept walking knowing it wasn't worth her time. Then it happened again. And again. She ignored it keeping her head high and walked back to the park and climbed back up her tree and stayed there until night struck.

She thought about Maya and Lucas, and then her and Lucas. She thought about all the times Lucas chose Maya over her. He chose Mayaville, he chose her as his lab partner. It made her realize that maybe Lucas was forcing himself to like her so she would get hurt. She had always known he cared about but not enough to defend her when she truly needed it or to hold her when she felt alone. It had always been Farkle who'd done that.


Meanwhile back at school the rest of the clique six were a bit in a panic. Maya had told them she wasn't at the apartment this morning, and now she wasn't at school.

"Riley doesn't just skip school that isn't her" Maya said leaning against a column in the pit. "We need to tell Mr. Matthews she's missing"

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