Look around

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Prompt: Lucas, Maya and Zay are suspicious  of Farkle and Riley's relationship. This takes place in like 11th grade

Tad bit of clueless Lucas in here

Maya had watched them from afar for years wondering when they would realize how they looked at each other, but they never did. When Lucas came in the picture as Riley's new love in her life it had des ruptured what she had originally thought about Farkle and Riley's feelings, but now that Lucas and Riley had broken up at the end of 9th grade something had changed over tenth grade between Riley and Farkle but she didn't know what.

She sat in Mr. Matthews class looking at what sat before her, Riley and Farkle making casual glances at each other as Matthews lectured the class. They weren't even trying to hide it. disgusting!

After class she pulled Lucas and Zay aside. Lucas looked at her confused when she asked them to help her spy on Farkle and Riley.

"Why would we spy on Farkle and Riley?" Lucas asked

"You haven't like noticed anything over the past year between them?" Maya asked trying to reason with them.

"They're Farkle and Riley what could've changed"

"Exactly they're Farkle and Riley, not just Riley and just Farkle"

"I my god that's Topanganeese" Zay said pointing at Maya

"So what do you think is going on with them?" Lucas asked.

"Nothing good I hope" she said before walking away to her next class. She needed to know what exactly was going on between her best friends and she needed to know now.


Riley and Farkle had met at her house to study after school. At least that's what they were supposed to be doing. It started out like it regular study session. Farkle was trying to finish his English essay, but Riley kept kissing his neck. "Riley" he groaned. "We're supposed to be studying"

"Don't act like you don't like it" Riley said smirking.

"Oh I like it just not when I have and English essay due in a couple of days"

"I finished that last week. Who's the genius now?" She asked sarcastically.

"You are. I should have finished this weeks ago but somebody got me side tracked" he said looking at Riley who just kept smiling at him deviously.

"Come on we've been studying for hours take a break"

"But what if your going parents walk in you know what your-"

"My parents are out and Auggie is down at Ava's" she said cutting him off.

"Ok then I'll take a break only for a short make out session"

"Okay bossy" she said jokingly. Farkle rolled his eyes. Riley leaned in and they're lips connected. He had to admit this is one of his favorite things to do during a study session. Farkle wrapped his hands around her waist bringing her closer. Riley's lips were soft against his and she tasted of strawberries. Riley liked licked his bottom lip for entrance. He moaned in response which let her slip through. They continued on for a while letting Farkle kiss all the way down to her neck leaving a love bite on her collarbone. They broke away for a couple of moments. "Farkle I'm in love with you" she said breathing hard. Farkle sat there and stared at her. they've said I love you all the time but something was different about it. he was stunned. He grabbed her face and started kissing her all over again. Little did they know they're best friends stood staring out the bay window.

____couple minutes earlier_______

"Maya we shouldn't be doing this" Lucas said a bit too loudly as they climbed up the fire escape. Maya turned back and glared at him,

"Shh. You guys need to be quite" she said putting her pointer finger to her mouth. She turned back around and begin heading up fire escape once again. Lucas looked back at zay with a look that said 'are you kidding me'. Zay slumped his shoulders and motioned for him to keep going. They got to the bay window and all three of them perched behind the center Windows flower bed. They looked in and saw farkle and Riley playfully bantering with each other. Zay looked to maya and said,

"See there's nothing going on here"

"Wait for it" Maya said just Riley began to kiss Farkle's neck. "Told you"

"That could mean anything" Lucas said trying to convince Maya that she was wrong. After couple minutes of flirting between Farkle snd Riley, they begin to make out. Maya turned back to Lucas,

"You were saying huckleberry?"

Farkle and Riley pulled away and just stared into each other's eyes. Maya, Lucas and Zay could hear they're breathing due to the side windows being open. Maya's ears perked when she heard the sentence, "Farkle I'm in love with you" come out of Riley's mouth. Farkle just looked at her stunned. That must have been they're first romantic 'I love you's. Maya really just wanted to shout, 'KISS HER ALREADY' but couldn't cause she wanted to keep her cover, although they all just let out small out of earshot 'awe'. Farkle grabbed Riley's face and pulled her back into a kiss shifting her onto his lap. 

"Guys we should go" Maya said

"What why? Don't you want to catch them" Lucas said in a faint whisper.

"Yes but, not now I don't want to ruin their moment" she said looking back at the love birds. Riley had her hands under his shirt. Farkle's hands entangled in Riley's hair. Farkle pulled away from Riley. She looked deeply into his eyes. "And I'm so very much in love with you"

Maya smiled. Her two best friends in the world were in love, and she just couldn't wait to bust they're asses.


Comment if Y'all want a part 2 cause I'd Be so willing to publish that

Thanks for
All the reads it's already over 1k so thank
You guys so much

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