Purple cat is no more

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Like I legit feel like I haven't posted in a long time, but in reality it was literally last weekend. Anyway,

Prompt: your purple cat is leaking.

Kinda of vv emotional so take out a box of tissues folks cause yo about to get shook

Riley decided she was done painting purple cats. Sure she liked em, but they weren't her. Purple cats had always symbolized her way to hide herself. Today was going to be different she was gonna paint her feelings.

Riley got to the art room early to do she could get the colors she wanted. She picked up a blank canvas and set it down, grabbing a set of brushesi from another table and filled up a cup with water. She sat down and closed her eyes not even noticing the rest of the class coming in. She mindlessly picked up a random brush and dipped it in the orange paint and put it to the canvas. She began painting what she felt. That's what artists were supposed to do, right? She zoned out into the canvas not clearly watching what she was painting. She drifted back and forth between orange, purple, red, and white paint. She decided to switch brushes to even out the tones of the painting. She set down the paint brush on the palette. She was finished. She stared at the painting not really even sure what she painted. She snapped back to reality when she felt someone sit next to her. She glanced over soon realizing it was Farkle. Farkle looked to her and smiled and then glanced at her painting. He gaped at the painting,

"Riley I think your purple cat is leaking" Farkle said stunned by the painting. Riley looked back at the painting and frowned,

"It's not a purple cat" she said simply.

"Well what happened to the purple cat?" Maya asked from the desk next to her.

"I just got tired of painting purple cats"

"But you never get tired of painting them" Farkle said. Riley sighed longingly. They won't get it. They never will.

"I painted what I felt. sorry if it's not to your satisfaction" Riley said sounding annoyed. Farkle shook his head frantically,

"Riley it's beautiful why'd you decide to pant it?" Farkle asked. Riley smiled happily, not even Maya would ask what she was painting.

"I needed to put my feelings down some where and this seemed like somewhere" Riley said picking up her used brushed to clean.

"Well can you describe it to me?" Farkle asked scooting his seat closer. Riley examined the painting.

"Pluto." Riley said lightly dragging her fingertips over the dry canvas "it's Pluto. I guess I was just feeling like Pluto today"

"Not that I won't miss your purple cats, I wish you would paint more stuff like this so I can tell you they're beautiful" Riley blushed lightly "but not as beautiful as you"

"Thank you Farkle" she said blushing harder. "I'm glad you like it. I know you all see me as someone who is terrible at art."

Farkle frowned and shook his head.m, "Riley I've always known that you were great at art." He looked around making sure Maya was out of earshot "I also know you like to hide your talent for Maya's sake"

Riley became guarded. Her facial expression changed. "No Farkle that's not why" she said angrily. Riley stood up and asked to go use the restroom of course the teacher let her go.

She stormed off away into the bathroom and washed her face with cold water. Farkle was right like he always is, but she could never admit out loud that Maya was the reason she started painting purple cats and deviating from the lesson. She had even started turning in assignments after the class left so no one could see her art, and turning down gallery opportunities just so Maya would feel like Riley had stolen something from her.

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