The ceiling is galaxies away

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Vv poetic, I wrote this on my flight I don't know why it's ceilings but oh well.


Riley stared up at the ceiling. Wow what a beautiful ceiling. Not. All she think about was the inevitability of her feelings. The feelings that she hated to have. The feelings that should have never came to be. Why the ceiling? Why not the floor or the walls?

The ceiling is nice, but not as nice as staring into his eyes that matched thousands of galaxies. She wished 2 am feelings would leave her soul of eternal clock to let her sleep.

Sleeping is for the dead. Isn't that what they say? Well what Riley says is that sleeping is for the living so that they get a taste of being dead.

She wanted to sleep away her feelings of the ceilings with hidden meanings. Hidden in the chandelier above her bed or the pictures of her friends and family that laid a pattern. She made out each face but her mind only stayed on one. Farkle, her glorious scientist, the one who left her staring at the ceiling, thinking of all of they're words said together.

She sat up on her bed staring away from the ceiling with hidden meanings. She breathed steadily trying to keep herself from screaming. To keep her from causing others more problems.

She had caused so many problems. Her parents fighting when she was little to the triangle that lasted a year cause she couldn't come clean. And she still can't.

She can't because if she did the words of the unspoken would find her and tell her the things others wouldn't have the heart to.

She paced, Her heart steadily beating just below her ribcage, again all she could think about was the ceiling. The ceiling that saw what she saw. The walls that heard hers and his words. The words that held meaning that she wanted to forget just so she didn't have to think about the ceiling.

*knock, knock*

She jumped, turning around to see her ceiling, her walls, her words that she wished would go away, and more importantly her Farkle. She opened her bay window, and watched as he climbed through. His body moved so swiftly, it seems as if he's mastered the art of going through her window. They stared at each other not saying a word.

Riley looked over Farkle's features. His eyes had bags under them. He looked like a zombie. It's as if the night consumed him and made him they're own.

"It's 2am" Riley stated breaking the ever lasting silence. He looked up at her with weary eyes.

"It's 2am" Farkle repeated, "and all I can think about is you"

Riley looked up at the ceiling silently taken aback by his words. "It's 2am, and I've been staring at the ceiling hoping I'd see your face once more before I go to sleep"

Farkle grabbed Riley's hands lacing them with his. They stood symmetrical to each other. Riley looked backdown Farkle thinking the ceiling would have absorbed her feelings for him, but as She looked back down at him all her emotions came rushing back.

"Why'd you come here?" Riley asked,

"I know i came uninvited, but I couldn't stay away, and I couldn't fall asleep" farkle said before glancing up at her ceiling, "every time i looked up at my bedroom ceiling all I could think was you"

"Farkle, I want you, I need you" Riley pleaded, "I want you to hold me and tell me I'm gonna be okay"

Farkle dropped her hands and instantly hugged Riley instantly. His body still slightly shaking due to the coldness that is New York City. Riley also held him tightly, afraid that if she let go, he'd disappear. "I'll hold you at 2am, and I'll tell you how much you mean to me" he whispered.

"Please do" she said against his shoulder. Farkle away from the hug still holding her waist. He looked down into her eyes.

She walked away from him and towards the bed gesturing for him to climb in next to her, and he did. They snuggled up to each other, holding each other closely. Both staring up at the ceiling.

The ceiling saw what they did. It saw the love that coursed through they're bodies. It saw all they're hidden secrets that didn't deserve telling.

Secrets that were gladly kept, like a character from your favorite book telling you a page from the book, but you already know.

The ceiling was unpublished, but look now.


Im literally about to get on a plane to go to Orlando rn. Things I do. I literally have no life and this is why. Not gonna complain tho this is amazing.

Edit: I'm rereading this I sound so FUCKING high, like wtf Emily did you forget to take your meds holy shit

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