Clueless lucas

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Thanks for over 200 reads!! You don't realize how happy I am over this thank you so much!!

Word count: 665

Bit of info/ prompt:

Riley and Farkle had been dating for a year. Although they kept it on the low their parents, and Maya (well plus Zay, the poor boy walked in on them making out). Lucas still thought Riley liked him and flirted with her on a regular basis. It was driving Farkle mad. He decided he was done.


The clique six had arrived at Topangas after school but some customers had taken their usual seats, so they decided to sit in the round booth. Farkle and Riley sat next to each other towards the middle. Farkle took out his laptop and began to finish his English paper. Riley And Lucas began a conversation. Farkle tried to ignore it but Lucas was being extra flirty today and it was setting off rockets in his brain. He moved a bit. In tangling Riley and his's legs. Riley adjusted a bit putting her entire leg over his lap not saying a word. Lucas saw what was happening and ended the conversation letting Riley take out the book she'd been wanting to finish. She turned back to Farkle laying her head at the crook of his neck. Riley knew he was jealous of Lucas always flirting with her,it was just so fun to see him squirm.

Everyone else at the table just sat there a bit uncomfortable to speak. I mean Zay and Maya knew about them but sometimes they're such a couple it's disgusting, but the put up with it to see jealous Farkle and Lucas the Clueless. Smackle was starting to catch on bit by bit. So they sat there quietly.

Farkle took out his phone and typed something into notes before taping on Riley's shoulder, handing her the phone. Riley set down her book down and took the phone reading,

F: You're cute

She replied back, R: So are you

F: Do you really think that or are you just saying that?

R: yeah of course. I thought you were a genius?

This went on for several minutes before  Maya finally stopped staring and said "what are you doing?" They both looked up from the phone.

"Talking over Notes" Farkle said while Riley said at the exact time "Pluto"

Farkle looked to Riley raising an eyebrow "what?! It's the first thing that pops in my head"

"Any way we didn't want to bother the silence" Riley stated trying to cover their tracks.

"Oh well, what you guys talking about?" Maya asked with a questioning look. She was totally not buying they're excuse.

"How cute she was" Farkle admitted and at the same time Riley said "Pluto"

Riley started panicking, "uh we we're talking about how cute Pluto was"

"No I was talking about how cute you were, I don't know what you were talking about" Farkle stated a bit sarcastically.

"This is why I love you, you know that?" She whispered looking straight at him, wrapping her arm around him.

"Even more than Pluto?" He whispered back slipping his arm around her waist bringing her closer.

"Way more that Pluto." She stated before kissing his cheek lightly which made Farkle blush.

"Well I love you too" Farkle whispered back into her ear sending shivers down her spine.

"Ok love birds can we get back to homework" Maya said, heat rising to they're faces.

"What? Maya I don't know what your talking about" riley said speaking up.

"Oh don't be stupid we know that your dating" Zay said gesturing towards them.

"Wait your what?!" Lucas asked cluelessly.

"Oh um yeah we're dating" Riley answered. A light blush spread across her face making her look down from embarrassment. "For like a year"

Lucas mentally face palmed. He thought Riley had still liked him. That's why he was always flirting with her. Lucas really was clueless.

"It's already been a year?" Farkle asked. Riley looked up and smiled. Farkle smiled
Back. "huh." They both said.

"You." Riley said holding out her free hand.

"Me." Farkle responded taking her hand.

"Love." Riley continued, squeezing his hand.

"Let's do this thing" they said at the same time which sent them both into a giggling fit. "Always"


This was a cute little Drabble. Dude I need ski lodge so bad like OMG I can't do just clips.

I'm working on a couple of different AU's like a Hogwarts, Percy Jackson. And maybe a YouTuber AU. Just to let y'all know but those might not get published for another couple of weeks.

Leave prompts here.

You guys can also PM prompts or send me them over my tumblr which is Girlmeetsriarkleshipwars or my personal blog which is weirdperson.

Vote and comment. Love feedback.

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