Dont let go

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Prompt: Farkle comes over to Riley's mid night crying because he can't stand his parents fighting.

Day 3


Farkle heard yelling for the second time this week. It wasn't like this was new but then he heard a crash. He couldn't stand to listen to this anymore. He got out of his bed and put on his shoes and jacket before walking out of the apartment. No one would notice anyway. He started heading to the only place he could think of. Riley.

As he walked through the city lit streets he couldn't stop thinking about his parents. He just wished they would get a divorce already! It would just be so much easier than having to hear plates and vases crashing against the wall. Tears slipped down his check. What if he turned out like his parents, throwing plates and smashing vases. He didn't ever want to be like them, but then again the universe has a saying, the Apple never falls to far from the tree.

He got to Riley's locked bay window. He pondered for a bit before knocking. He didn't knock to hard but he knocked.

Riley slipped out of bed being awoken by a small knock on the glass window. She stood up and walked over to the window unlocking it. She immediately noticed the tears on Farkle's face dripping down his cheeks, "Farkle?" She whispered. Farkle climbed through the window and sat next to her. Riley reached up and wiped his tears away with her thumb.

"Riley they won't stop shouting. All I can hear is crashing glass and ceramic" he said placing his head in his hands.

( oh the innuendo I could make with that sentence^^; k serious (black))

"Oh Farkley" she said sadly. "Stay here tonight. I promise no yelling" they both fell into a comfortable silence as Riley held Farkle.

"Do you think I'll ever find love. I mean my father and mother seem to have found it but their just falling out of it" Farkle spoke

"I love you Farkle, I always have" she said running her hands through his hair. He just sighed.

"I mean like romantically not platonic"

"Farkle i don't love you platonically. I never have"

"What?" Farkle said stunned by what Riley said.

"I'm in love with you, Farkle. You do not realize how much it pains me to see you cry or hurt, and you thinking that your gonna end up like your parents saddens me even more, Farkle. You could never be your parents. Your sweet and kind and you care so much about other people. I've always had faith in you. It's the exact reason I love you" Riley said wiping more tears away from his face. He sat up slowly and rested his head on Riley's shoulder. "Farkle we are our own love story"

"We're a love story?" Farkle asked lifting his head up from her shoulder.

"Yes Farkle how many times do I have to repeat that I'm in love with you?"

"Sorry sometimes I just forget that your actually real and what your saying is real" Farkle said. Riley grabbed his hand and put it to her jawline.

"I am very much real Farkle" she said letting go of his hand. His hand still lingered on her jawline. Riley kept glancing to his lips. She finally closed the distance with a light kiss on his lips.  A tear slipped down Farkle's cheek as he kissed her back. "I'm as real as Pluto is a planet"

"That's contradictory" Farkle said with a giggle.

"Well Pluto is still a planet to me"

"It is to me too and it always will be"

"Exactly" Riley said. "Now come here" she held her arms out for Farkle to embrace instead Farkle picked her up bridal style and shifted her onto his lap. He held her tightly never wanting to let go.

"Don't let go" Farkle said, Riley held onto him even tighter than before,

"I would never" Riley responded, she kept her promise even as she slowly drifted off to sleep. Farkle got up and laid her on her bed and sat next to her for a while watching her sleep soundly. He got up to leave but a hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

"Stay." Riley whispered in a low sleepy voice. Farkle smiled and climbed in next her. Riley immediately snuggled up to him wrapping her arms around him protectively like she was the one fighting off the dragons, and he was the damsel scientist in distress. Farkle twirled Riley's long hair in his hands.

Farkle knew he needed to leave again before he parents woke up, but he doesn't want to leave Riley. He felt so conflicted with himself, but for right now he figured the safest place to be is with Riley in his arms.

Riley's eyes fluttered open, looking up at Farkle with her large brown Irises. She smiled and said, "you stayed?"



I went on tumblr to look for a gif to put on here but I ended up scrolling through the Eyewitness tag for about an hour, like I think philkas might be one of my new otps. It's just so freaking GOOD.

Little background on something, I'm doing a class assignment on the Tell-Tale Heart and one of the objectives is to come up with an alternative title. I got nothing.

Like I have loads of titles but according to my mom they sound a little to on the complicated brainiac side, so... suggestions?

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