I promise

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Hello this is the last day of Riarkle week, I really wanted to go out on a Big Bang, i hope you like it

Prompt: basically GMW set in the world of the Percy Jackson series, if you haven't read the books I suggest you read them they are amazing, but you don't need to have read the story for this one shot.

Day 7


Riley was trying to grow some plants outside her cabin to for inspection, but this kid from the Athena cabin wouldn't stop pacing outside they're cabin. She rolled her eyes once again as went back and forth, back and forth. Ugh. She couldn't help it. She looked over to the boy who looked way to focused. She decided to make a flower crown for him. Made up of orange and purple flowers. She walked over to him. He looked up and stopped abruptly so he wouldn't bump into her. He gave her a confused look glancing back and forth between her and the flower crown.

"Hello I'm Riley" she smiled, "I made you a flower crown"

"Why?" He asked curiously as Riley took a step closer.

"Don't know you seemed worried, you kept pacing, so I made the flower crown in hopes it would take your mind off of whatever you were pacing for" Riley said  nervously as she tried to explain.

"Oh well thanks" he said, Riley got on her tippy toes and placed it on his head.

"What's your name" she asked with smile.

"Don't laugh" he said, Riley smile was replaced with a confused one.

"Ok... I promise" she said unsure of the boy.

"I'm Farkle" she smiled brightly.

"Well Farkle, it's a beautiful for a beautiful person" she said with a nod, "now why were you pacing exactly"

"Just a bit nervous" Farkle confessed as he rubbed his hand together

"Oh why?" Riley asked curiously,

"Don't know just am"

"Come with me, you've pacing for the past hour" he looked at Riley skeptically. He nodded. Riley took his hand and led him into the forest.

"Where are we going?" Farkle asked.

"You'll see" she said as she led them to a small bench surrounded by vines surrounded by flowers. Farkle gaped at his surroundings. He had never seen anything so beautiful. Riley moved the vines out of the way letting him into the small garden.

"I've never seen these flowers before" Farkle said looking around. Riley sat down next to a pair of orange flowers gesturing for him to sit next to her.

"I created them." She said simply as she eyed the plants next to her. "Perks of being Demeter daughter I guess"

"You don't like being a daughter of Demeter?" Farkle asked.

"I do, I do" she said frantically trying to clear herself, "it's just sometimes that's all the camp sees me as"

"Be happy they even see you" Farkle said with a sigh,

"Well I see you Farkle" Riley said reassuring him.

"You didn't even know who i was" Farkle said bringing his knees up to his chest.

"I didn't know your name, but I knew who you were. You talk when you pace by the way" she said picking some flowers to make into another flower crown. "So tell me more about your self all I get from you is mumbles"

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