Treat you better

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Hello again my wonderful niños. Start sending in question for the Q&A. It will most likely be published after September 9th, unless y'all would like to do it on tumblr, I am up for anything.

Prompt: this is going to be a song fic on treat you better by Shawn Mendes


I won't lie to you

"He lied" Riley breathed as she watched Lucas say that Maya was beautiful. She felt heart falling to pieces. Her eyebrows furrowed as she turned back to her father who had been teaching about some random lesson that she couldn't concentrate on because the only thing she could think of was Lucas and Maya.

After class she headed out not even talking to her friends. She felt a hand on her wrist knowing exactly who it was. She turned around angry, facing Lucas. Lucas looked at her cluelessly.

"You lied to me" she growled becoming teary eyed. "I can't believe you"

She ripped her wrist out of his grip. Lucas looked at me with a confused look not understanding what she was on about. She saw the group behind him wondering the same thing

"You chose Maya, don't lie.everyone always does" she said more angrily than before. Lucas didn't even try to correct her or defend himself, "second choice always second choice."

Riley stormed away shaking her head. She heard a voice calling out her. She kept walking. Someone turned her around and pulled her into a hug. Farkle. She wrapped her arms around him and cried into his chest. Farkle pulled away and held her face in his hands wiping away her tears. She smiled at him gratefully. They both looked at each other with silence knowing it was best not to say a word.

I know he's just not right for you
And you can tell me if I'm off

Riley had been on the roof since she got home. She looked up at the sky. The minimal stars shown bright. She pictured Pluto up in the sky with all its beautiful glory. But she was too far away to see it up close. She heard footsteps as someone laid down next to her. She looked to her side and smiled as she saw that it was Farkle.

"I'm sorry. I should've known that he Wasn't the right one"

"I wish I could say that your off, but you aren't" Riley said shaking her head lightly. She turned to him "he lied to me Farkle, and i don't think I could ever forgive him for that. Romantic or not he chose me because I was romantically available, I was second choice to Maya. I'm always second to Maya"

But I see it on your face
When you say that he's the one that you want

"He's the one I thought I was supposed to want." Riley sighed leaning her head further back. Farkle could see it in her face the way she hurt. "How could I have been so wrong."

And you're spending all your time
In this wrong situation

"Riley, when the triangle happened... I... I was wruh. I was wruh to put you in that situation."

"Farkle, it wasn't just your fault. All three of us made the bad decision to create this pity triangle"  Riley stated. Farkle had a million ways he wanted to respond to that but he couldn't make up his mind.

Riarkle One-ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ