Breaking benjamin

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Y'all guys really don't understand how much y'all vote and comment on these one shots really means to me. Like y'all legit give me a self esteem boost. Thank you so much 😍😍

Prompt: a guy keeps flirting with Riley and Riley doesn't like it. Farkle finds out.


Riley honestly didn't mind the flirting but it sure was getting annoying. All she wanted to do was go to class, but this boy in her grade, Benjamin won't stop flirting with her. At first it was alright I mean who wouldn't want to be called pretty, but then he just wouldn't stop. The boy just couldn't take a hint.

She had told Maya about it, but Maya just kept saying she should tell the boys. Which of course she shouldn't. Lucas would go berserk, Farkle would come up with a mix of chemicals to kill the boy, and Zay would probably come up with some bizarre ballet routine to kick Benjamin's butt.

Maya had said to meet her at the bay window after school. Riley didn't ask why, she could only assume what it would be and it wasn't good. Riley did as Maya had asked and went straight to the bay window after school. She walked through her bedroom door to be confronted by the sight of not only Maya but Farkle, Lucas and Zay too.

"Maya..." Riley said in a low tone voice.

"Riley...." Maya said trying to plead Riley with her eyes.

"So what was so important that it was needed for the bay window?" Zay asked as he fondly stroked the window seal.

"This boy-" Maya started as she turned to the boys.

"Maya..." Riley interrupted. Farkle looked back and forth between both girls concerned.

"This boy has been hitting on Riley repetitively and she has rejected multiple times but he won't take a hint." She continued before taking a big breath, "and now it's becoming a problem"

"Maya!" Riley yelled furiously, "you promised!"

"Look they needed to know, maybe they can help" Maya stated smiling trying to convince Riley to let them help her.

"I don't need help Maya! This is my problem. I'll deal with it on my own" Riley growled.

"Riley, Zay and I can always just kick his butt and tell him to stay away" Lucas spoke up. Riley shook her head,

"No. This is my problem not yours." They all nodded. Obeying her wish. They all climbed out the window single file except for Farkle who still sat there. Riley walked over and sat next to him leaving no space between them.

"Riley?" Farkle spoke up.

"Yes Farkle?" Riley responded looking up at him.

"If it gets worse, please tell me" Riley nodded and laid her head on his shoulder. They both sat into comfortable silence.


It was the end of the day and Riley was just begging to go home. She was gathering her stuff when she felt a body slide next to her. She looked up slightly knowing exactly who it was. She groaned inwardly. Benjamin leaned against the locker next to her, he smelled of overly used cologne and his hair was layered in gel. Riley finally straightened herself and swung her bag onto her shoulder. She made a scowl at the boy.

"Hey your looking nice" Benjamin said clearly not noticing her scowl. Riley rolled her eyes. "Oh come on babe" he said trying to coax her. He placed his hand on her hip. Riley flinched at his touch.

Farkle watched Riley and the boy from afar. He had been waiting to walk Riley home after school. As he saw the boy put his hand on Riley's waist a sense of anger went through him. Farkle stormed over there and did something he thought he could never do. He punched Benjamin.

"Farkle!" He heard Riley yell. he fully gained conscience of what he had done. Farkle looked down at the boy he had punched. he looked to Riley. Horror stuck across her face. Farkle looked back to Benjamin who was holding his nose. Then he realized why exactly he had punched him. He grabbed Benjamin's shirt,

"Don't you ever touch her." Farkle said in a low growl. Benjamin nodded and skimping away nervously. Farkle watched as the boy ran down the hallway.

"Farkle?" He heard Riley say. He turned around afraid of how Riley's reaction would be. She did something he thought she wouldn't do. She hugged him. "Thank you" she said blissfully to him. She backed away to see Farkle surprised face.

"Your aren't mad?" Farkle asked. Riley smiled and shook her head

"No, Farkle you might have saved me. Who knows how far he would have gone" Riley said thankfully.

"Please just let me cook up some greenhouse chemicals and put it in his drink next time" Farkle said. Riley smiled.

"Farkle id rather you break his
Nose than kill him"

"But he touched you and you flinched. You looked so uncomfortable. I just..." Farkle said sounding exasperated with himself.

"Farkle, I said that I would deal with this alone." She said becoming a tad bit annoyed in her stance.

"But you couldn't. He laid his hands on you Riley and you did nothing" Farkle explained. Honestly he understood why. He knows that Riley likes to read articles on how girls go missing and are murdered for saying no. Riley wants to survive, and for that she could reject. Sad, but true.

"What if I did like it?" And she didn't. Farkle looked at her stunned and slightly jealous.

"Riley I saw your reaction to him when he tried flirting with you. I punched him for you so he would leave you alone, and I don't punch people!" Farkle exclaimed gesturing to his frame. Riley nodded and grimaced think back to Benjamin's hand on her hip,

"Ok yeah I hated him touching me, but you didn't need to punch him for me" Riley said stepping closer to Farkle.

"Id do everything for you, no matter what." Farkle said gently. "You know that"

"I do know that. I always have" Riley said with a smile. Farkle caressed her cheek which sent shivers through Riley's face. She had always been glad to have him by her side.

"I really do like it when you get jealous" Riley smirked.

"I was not jealous!" Farkle exasperated, Riley raised an eyebrow knowing he was lying. "Okay maybe a bit"

Riley smiled and pulled him by the shirt down upon her lips. Farkle was startled at first but eased into it. The kiss was soft and passionate. Farkle placed his hand on her hips bringing her close to him. She smiled and talked against his lips, "next time, Farkle, don't go breaking Benjamin"

Farkle laughed at her pun, "anything for you riles"


  I haven't watched GM real world, but I just want to point out that we really need a musical episode.

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