Lucky problems

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This one shot was requested by @PrincessCountryGirl this ties in with the last one shot 'treat you better'


Farkle was having a pretty shit day to be honest.

He failed an English exam, and.. Just ugh. He also had to watch half the jocks in his grade check out and over sexualize some girls in the year before his. To which he almost got punched for telling the big meaty tough guys off. He wanted to bang his head against the locker, and he did.

Riley saw her genius getting some form of brain damage, so she walked up to him, "hey you doin okay, Farkley?" She asked putting her hand to his chest stoping him from further brain and property damage. He flipped himself over and looked directly at the beautiful brunette who had a concerned look on her face.

"I just.. Just can't today, ugh" he said banging the back of his head against the locker. Riley put her hand up to his head stopping him once more. He looked down at her and smiled sadly.

"That bad of a day huh?" Riley asked, Farkle nodded. "Well if you wanna talk after school you know where to be." She said before walking away. Farkle smiled knowing exactly what she meant.


Farkle walked to the top of the stair case leading up to the roof hoping Riley would just me a couple of feet behind the door. He opened it slowly and saw Riley staring up at the setting sun. Although pollution had bested the city of New York nothing could stop it from shining. He walked over to her and sat down crisscrossed. She sat up next to him hoping he'd say something about what was going on with him, but honestly even he didn't know.

They sat facing each other and all Riley could think about is that something had happened to her Farkle and she had no clue what. She watched as farkle laid his head on her shoulder. Riley reached up and stroked his hair.

Even though the bay window was a great place and could never outshine the Rooftop, don't get it wrong they loved the place, but to Farkle and Riley the roof was private and closed off from other people's listening ears. It was just her and him, not even Maya knew that they went up there. No one could find them.

"Somethings wrong Riley" Farkle mumbled into her soft t-shirt that she had recently stolen from him.

"Farkle you can tell me anything" she stated stroking his back trying to ease him.

"All of the sudden I've been getting bad grades and not paying attention in class..." He said trailing off at the end. Riley frowned. Farkle loved school and learning, what's got him of his hinges? She asked herself silently.

"When did this start happening?" She asked as if she was a therapist and he was her patient and it seemed to working.

"It started when.." He trailed off started to think. When did it start? He asked himself. It started a bit after Riley broke up with Lucas and they had a talk on the roof that night. He remembers daydreaming about they're conversation the next day and the day after that. He was practically was daydreaming about it right now. He glanced up at Riley looking deep into her eyes which practically melted him to liquid. Yep he knew exactly what the problem was.

"It's you." He stated standing up. Riley looked up at him with her brows furrowed.

"What?" She asked confused.

"It's you. Your the problem" he said with a straight face. Riley stood up angrily. She's been trying to help him with his feelings and he just blamed it on her. Ugh, what an ass.

"What do you mean I'm the problem" she growled. Farkle backed away noticing Riley's expression, although he found Riley being mad adorable, he really didn't need a Riley being mad at him particularly.

"You. The entirety that is Riley Matthews. Your the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing before I go to bed, and it's all your fault" he confessed. Riley's face softened a bit but she was still angry.

"How is it my fault!" She yelled slightly.

"Because all I can do is think about you, about your eyes, and your beautiful body. About all the nights spent on this roof talking about the stars. Riley Matthews I'm in love with you thats the problem" Farkle stated running out of air as he exasperated his feelings. Riley's face softened completely. She had no idea what she deserved to have this boy love her as much as her did.

"If I'm the problem, then what's the answer?" She asked crossing her arms. "You think you haven't ruptured me too? I can't stop thinking about you either. I can't stop think about your beautiful ocean blue eyes or your voice and laugh. It's your fault for making me fall in love with you!" She yelled.

"I didn't make you fall in love with me!" He shot back. Riley took a step closer

"And I didn't make you fall in love with me!" She argued.

"To hell with that!" He yelled, Riley pulled Farkle's shirt angrily and brought his lips down into hers. Farkle kissed her back angrily and put his hands around her waist bringing her closer to him. Riley let go of his t-shirt and snaked her hands into his hairs lightly running her hands through it. Farkle accidentally bit on her lip making her moan. He broke away thinking he hurt her. Riley groaned at the loss of contact.

"I have 99 problems and you, Riley, are everyone of them" he said with a smirk. Riley bit her lip and rolled her eyes, her hands hung around his neck.

"Just kiss me you ass" she mumbled against his lips. To which he obeyed placing his lips fully onto hers. This time it was so angry. It was soft and light.

They were lucky no one knew about there place on the rooftop. They were lucky that no one saw them. They were lucky. They were lucky to love each other, to have each other.


Second update today. I say this every time, but thank you guys so much for y'alls comments and votes.

Like I legit don't understand why you people think my writings good. Smh

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