The cold never bothered me anyway

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In which Farkle gets trapped with the Matthews during a freak blizzard.

Farkle was half way to the Matthews house when it started snowing. By the time he got there it was a full blown blizzard. He knocked on the bay window shivering. Riley immediately opened the window "Farkle?!" She let him in running to get her blanket. She wrapped it slowly Around Farkle as his teeth chattered. "Mom! Dad!" Riley called. Her parents raced into her room immediately noticing Farkle on the floor next to the bay window shivering.

"I-I didn't know it was supposed to snow" Farkle chattered out. He was clinging onto himself.

"It's okay Farkle. Now let's get you to the kitchen. I'll check you for frostbite" Topanga said as Riley helped him up. Riley wrapped her arm around his waist letting him lean on her shoulder. Farkle snuggled into her warm body to create more warmth. Farkle basically collapsed onto the kitchen table hoping it would be warm.

Topanga checked for frostbite while Riley made some warm tea remedy thing she found in one of her moms old books.

"I don't think you have frost bite but I would like you to just cover your self in as many blankets as you want so you can keep warmth." Topanga suggested, Farkle nodded slowly. He was still a bit cold from being outside for so long. Topanga left to go find some more blankets leaving them alone in the kitchen. Riley gave farkle the tea before sitting next to him.

"Why were you out this late anyways?" Riley asked turning to him. Farkle took a sip of the tea before answering,

"I was coming to talk to you"

"About what?" Riley questioned.

"Anything. I was just feeling lonely and cold" Farkle frowned, riley looked down. He was lonely and wanted t

"Oh. Okay."

"I'm just super cold right now, that's all" Farkle said his teeth still chattering. "Never thought it would bother me this much" Riley stifled a small giggle,

"Well come on let's get you to my room it's warmer in there" she said standing up and taking the tea from Farkle. On there way back to her room her mother gave her a couple of blankets. She laid them on the bed before climbing in to which Farkle followed still covered in the ginormous blanket her mom had given him. Riley pondered for a moment before crawling underneath the blanket to where her and farkle were both touching and wrapped by the blanket.

"What are you doing?" Farkle asked as he wrapped his arms around her. He obviously didn't mind

"You were still shivering so I thought my body heat would make you warmer." Riley said cozying up to him. "Farkle you know you could have froze to death!" She said angrily but to Farkle it honestly looked cute.

"I really wanted to talk to you" Farkle said trying to defend himself. Which was true. He wanted some one to talk to and he knew Riley was the only person he knew that would listen.

"Farkle you can talk to me when ever you want but I don't want you to freeze to death over it" Riley sat up and turned to face Farkle, "now what was so important?"

"Shouldn't I feel at least some form of heartbreak towards me and Smackle breaking?" Riley frowned feeling immediately saddened and kind of jealous that Farkle seemed to be still hung up on Isadora.

"Farkle that was weeks ago" Riley said remembering the night he climbed through her window just to talk about it.

"Yeah but I didn't feel like anything had changed when we broke up" he said hanging his head low. "I didn't feel sorrow"

"Maybe it's cause you never truly felt like you and Smackle were dating" Riley tried pointing out. She couldn't tell if what she was saying was out of jealousy or honesty.

"But I liked her" Farkle said, he was very unsure of his feelings. He doesn't like feelings, they can't be explained by science, and he doesn't like that.

"You can like someone platonically" Riley stated thinking back to all the terms she had googled to figure out her feelings for Lucas. Which basically did nothing except put new terms into her vocabulary.

"But I thought I liked her romantically" Farkle said with such simplicity.

"Maybe you were just forcing yourself to feel that way" Riley suggested shifting herself slightly to get more comfortable. Farkle had to admit she wasn't wrong.

"Why though?" Farkle questioned slumping forward placing his head on his palm.

"What you think your supposed to feel and what you actually feel" Riley shrugged and finally settled in her spot. She moved the blanket just a tad so it wrapped more closely around them.

"But me and Smackle were the perfect match but there was just one component missing" Farkle said evaluating his and shackles relationship, they had everything, they were scientific matches.

"Love" Riley said, Farkle looked at her and glared as if she had said something hurtful.

"But I'm not incapable of love, that's the problem"

"Maybe you just couldn't be in love with her" she looked down "cause you were still in love with someone else.." Riley looked back up at him Farkle, "I see the way you look at me, Farkle" she sighed. Farkle looked like he was caught in the crossfire. "Farkle are you in love with me?" Farkle looked down

"Riley I-" he trailed off not sure what to say. Riley smiled and lifted up his head to look straight at her. She leaned in, they're lips touched . Farkle leaned in more deepening the kiss. Riley wrapped her hands around his waist. She pulled away. Farkle smiled,

"Don't you dare ever freeze to death, I will kill you if you do"

"Anything for you" Farkle said bringing her closer. Heat filled his body as they fell asleep together in her bed wrapped in dozens of blankets. Farkle held her caressing her face delicately as she drifted off.


Topanga peeked her head in through Riley's bedroom door to see how Farkle was doing. Farkle and Riley were cuddled up into each other's arms. She smiled she had hoped that was the reason why Farkle almost froze to death. That boy would risk anything just to talk Riley. Topanga never actually thought a minkus would trap her daughters heart. She backed out and closed the door gently.

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