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I will always thank y'all guys each chapter for all the reads like I legit can't believe it. Any ways thank you guys so much.

Summary: Riley ends up winning the game and Farkle gets mad because he's the smart one and then Riley gets mad because she thinks that he thinks that she's dumb.

Angsty/ really cute and fluffy at the same time.


"I won!!" Riley said parading around the living room. The entire Matthews family and her friends watched as she did so. Most of them were smiling except Farkle who was just frowning. Riley turned to Farkle "why so sad Farkley?"

"I'm the son of I billionaire" he said standing up "I'm a genius but I still can never win monopoly. I'm the smart one. how can I not win monopoly?!" He exclaimed. Not realizing how rude it sounded. Riley flinched. Every one in the room just had a silent 'O' stuck on there face.

"Your the what now?" Riley questioned taking a step closer revealing her angry face, which was slowly tearing up. She was used to being called stupid but Farkle? Of all people? The one who she thought would always be there for her, always there to build her up, not take her down.

"I said I was the smart one" Farkle stated taking a step even closer still not realizing what he just said.

"Are you saying I'm dumb?" Riley questioned looking even more hurt than before.

"No I was just saying that I should be better at this game then you" Farkle said trying to rephrase it.

"So dumb?" Riley asked before stepping away, leaving the room to go to the Bay window. Farkle hadn't meant to hurt Riley. He would never that, but he did.

Farkle walked quickly to the bay window. Riley sat there crying on the floor. Farkle shut the door quietly and sat down next to her. Farkle reached up to wipe her tears but he pulled away when she flinched.

"Your the smart one, I know, but do you ever realize that your not the only one?" She said quietly choking back a sob, "I hid my smartness so you could show how smart you were. It's always been your thing. Sometimes I just want to feel smart without feeling like I'm stealing what's yours"

"How could you steal what's mine when I'm already yours?" Farkle said quietly.

"Farkle I want you to be at your best and if I have to hide myself for that then I will" she said ignoring his last comment. Although she heard it perfectly. He was hers, but she already knew that.

"Riley you never have to do that, you know?

"Then who would be Riley?" She questioned. Someone had to be, 8th grade proved that.

"You. You've always been Riley." He stated grabbing on to her hand. Riley looked down at they're hands. She had always loved how soft his hands were, and how they had perfectly fit to hers.

"But the Riley I'm talking about is goofy and silly not smart and creative" Riley said pointing out what she thought everyone saw her as, everyone needed and wanted her as. Farkle shook his head,

"Well the Riley I'm talking about is smart, kind, silly, and so creative she made up her world and absorbed everyone she cares about into it" Farkle said waving his hands around. Riley looked deeply into his eyes and smiled. She tried to hold it for Farkle's sake but couldn't,

"I'm just Pluto, forgotten and mistaken for something bigger when I'm just a small thing drifting" Riley sighed and turned her head away from Farkle not daring to look at him.

"Well I'll never forget you or mistaken you. I've always thought you were smart just sometimes I forget. Don't let me forget" Farkle said scooting closer to Riley.

"I won't" she smiled

"You've always loved Pluto anyways." He said scooting closer to her. Riley put her head on his shoulder. "And one day I hope you'll be there when I try to make it a planet again"

She looked up at him "you would to that?"

"Well I'm certainly not doing it for me, toots" she stifled out a giggle, "there's that giggle I love" Farkle said smiling down at her. "I want you to be happy"

"Riley I know that your smart. I know you are cause if you weren't you wouldn't understand the things you do" Farkle explained "I know you"

"And I know you to Farkle" Riley said, she soon realized how late the game had gone, it was almost midnight. Her eyes were becoming droopy.

"Please don't ever think you aren't as intelligent as you really are just because I or someone else says otherwise" Farkle continued on. Riley blushed at his compliments.

"You know Farkle, your the best person I know" Riley said smiled replacing her head on his shoulder. She grabbed his hand and held onto it tightly like it might be taken from her. "Don't tell Maya I said that" she whispered.

Farkle chuckled and wrapped his arms around Riley bringing them closer. "I guess I always thought that because my dads some business mogul billionaire that I should be some what capable of winning monopoly"

"It's because you were to ingrained in the profits and not in the people" she said using her finger like screw driver against his head tiredly.

"I guess I need to work on that" Farkle said frowning.

"Don't worry I'll be here to help" Riley said with a yawn, "always remember Farkle, people change people"

Farkle smiled at the memory of Cory Matthews lesson in 8th grade, "The secret of life"


Yall I'm from Texas so if I use the word "y'all" or if they sound a bit not like a New Yorker would soz

And btw I'd just like to make a little disclaimer, I don't have an accent not many people in Texas do it's basically a dumb stereotype. End rant.

Also please send in prompts, I love hearing other people's ideas and thoughts

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