Goodbye kiss

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Prompt: you fix her and you fix her now.

This happens after Riley and Farkle get into an argument. Maya thinks it's just an argument between friends but it's not.


Farkle shut the bay window abruptly. Riley locked it as he walked down the fire escape. She watched him leave as tears trailed down her expressionless face. Riley sat at the bay window pondering what happened. This was they're first official fight and it ended with Farkle storming out and her crying at her bay window. It wasn't even that big of a deal. Well to Farkle it wasn't. She just wanted to go to the spring formal together in public, but Farkle said that they shouldn't. Riley went off and it just didn't end well.

Riley knew it was stupid and that it was alright that they weren't going to the dance. She just didn't understand what the big deal was. She felt stupid. She felt so incredibly stupid for going off on him, and so he left shutting the window behind him, without a goodbye kiss he so usually plant on her before leaving.

She needed to talk to someone. She  couldn't talk to Maya cause she didn't know about her and Farkle, and she couldn't talk to her parents cause they didn't know about her and Farkle. The one person she knew she could always talk to was the one who had just stormed out. All she could do was sit and hurt.


Riley sat at her bay window all night staring at the floor wondering what she did wrong. She didn't sleep at all.

"Riley?" Riley looked away from the ground and up to Maya who sat next to her. Her eyes clearly had dark circles under them. She still wore yesterday's clothing. Her eyes were sunken in with large bags underneath them. "Riley what's wrong?"

She shook her head "nothing." Riley stood up and walked away from Maya to her closet. She changed slowly, Blanking off, thinking about nothing. Thinking about Farkle. She grabbed a shirt that she had kept of his, and his sweat pants. She held them close. Tears streamed down her face. She changed into the shirt and sweatpants, and grabbed Farkle sweatshirt a put
that  she has a lot of Farkle's clothes. Even though she had washed them they still smelled like Farkle, Vanilla essence and Home. She walked out slowly and into her room. Maya stood in the middle glaring at her with concern.

"Maya it's nothing" Riley said trying to reassure her. Wiping away drying tears.

"Riley you look like crap" Maya flatly completely not believing her one bit. Maya watched as Riley shuffled across the floor tiredly, "are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine it's nothing don't worry" Maya nodded still not believing her. Riley grabbed her bag and climbed out the bay window. She didn't even wanna bother with make up. There was no point when the one person who always tells you your beautiful is mad at you.

"You don't want breakfast?!" Maya called as she followed Riley out the window. Riley turned back and smiled,

"No, I'm not that hungry" Riley said Maya just smiled sadly. Truthfully Riley's tummy had been rumbling all night. She had zero courage to walk out of her room last night to grab dinner, and she had zero courage to do the same this morning. She could barely stand Maya's questions and she knew she'd break down if her brother or Mom and Dad asked anymore.

They walked to school together. Maya watching Riley closely. They met the group on the second floor. Riley stared at the floor avoiding everyone's gaze.

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