Merry Christmas

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Sorry this is a bit late but Merry Christmas🎄🎁


Christmas had fallen upon the Matthews family, and strangely Riley just wasn't feeling it. Every year up until now she was always so ecstatic, she decorated everything, including the bay window, but for some weird reason she didn't bother. She had wrapped all her gifts in specific wrapping paper designated for each person, but other than that her Christmas spirit was drained.

Riley passed, as she usually did on Christmas Eve. The anxiety becoming extreme to the point she couldn't sleep. Suddenly there was a tap on her window. She turned and saw Farkle shivering out in the snow. She rolled her eyes and let him in.

"You know you should really time your bay window sessions." She smiled at him, but Farkle wasn't buying it.

"Riley, I want to know your okay" he said taking a step closer to her.

"Why wouldn't I be its Christmas the most wonderful time of the year!" She said exaggerating her words. She sighed loudly and plopped herself onto her bed, "I just can't get into the Christmas spirit this year"

"Riley that's not your fault. This year has gone by in a flash" Farkle said snapping his fingers.

"It has hasn't it?" Riley sighed as Farkle sat next to her on the bed. He slid his hand in the pocket, and he stared fidgeting with the small box.

"Remember homecoming? When you finally got that popular boy to ask you out?" He said, he had always thought it was one of his most prime moments to be a Farkle.

"Yeah and then he stood me up" Riley had been pining over the guy for a month wanted him to take her to the dance. The day of the dance he didn't show to pick her up. She had been devastated, she had bought a dress and did her make up.

"But," Farkle said urging her on.

"But you danced with me the rest of the night" Riley said, it was true . Farkle had shown at her bay window just like he did tonight. They went to the park, both still wearing their formal clothes, and Farkle and her just danced away through the night. she smiled at the memory and stood up, holding her hand out for Farkle to take, "dance with me"

"Of course" Farkle said taking her hand. They slow danced in the middle of her room. Farkle hummed a song that she knew but couldn't remember the name. She laid her head in the crook of his neck.

"Thank you for making my Christmas better" she mumbled against his shoulder.

"I'm always here for you no matter the occasion or problem, you know that? Or that I that I do everything I do for you out of love" He asked, "you've always been my home and I'd do anything to protect you and keep you safe."

Riley gaped at him as he broke away from her, and took the small box out of his pocket.

"Fark-" Riley was cut off by Farkle kneeling to the ground and opened the box revealing a ring with a small sapphire in the middle.

"I know this is weird, but will you go out with me?" Farkle asked, Riley smiled and let out a relieving sigh,

"Phew I thought you where gonna ask me too marry you" she said wiping her forehead,

"So..?" He said raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, Farkle I will go out with you" she said as he took the ring out and placed on her ring finger. Riley grabbed his face and pulled him up to kiss him. They're lips met, and as fan fiction writers say, sparks flew.

She mumbled against his lips, "This is the best Christmas present ever"


Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas, happy whatever you wonderful people.

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