Not handcuffed anymore

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Hello there, I'm so sorry for not posting this chap. Again I started school and this was my first full week so I've been busy with everything and all.

Okay so I decided to make this a year later and Matthews has decided to make it tradition. This is 11th grade.


"Ok class it's time for another rendition of 'handcuffed' if you catch my flow" Matthews announced. The entire class groaned. Riley turned to Farkle.

"Partners?" Farkle asked Riley.

"As always" she smiled.

They had to say it was a bit of a doozy. Although they had been hand cuffed the previous year and thought it would turn out way better than before, boy oh boy were they wrong. Riley had already ran into 3 walls, 4 doors, and may or not accidentally fall on Farkle twice. (Farkle didn't mind though).

Tonight they were just so tired, all Riley wanted to do was sleep and all Farkle wanted to do was sleep also. So there they stood once more in front of Riley's bed deciding which way to get in.

"I get right" Farkle said gesturing toward the bed. Farkle just had to wonder how Mr. Matthews was okay with this like he's literally getting in bed with his teachers daughter.

"We have to get in at the same time, you bird" Riley said as she rolled her eyes. Farkle just slumped his shoulders.

"Didn't we have this conversation last time?" Farkle asked.

"Yeah we did" Riley smiled and jumped on the bed bringing Farkle down with her.

"Oaf!" Farkle groaned as her landed on the bed. Riley rolled over practically rolling on top of Farkle. Farkle groaned once more but trailed into a laugh. He wrapped his arms around Riley's waist and shook her making her laugh.

"Farkle!" She giggled out. She held on to his arms as he held her. Riley yawned and flipped her body around to lay her head on Farkle's chest. She drifted slowly off to sleep.


Riley got up mid night to get a glass of water completely forgetting the handcuffs dragged Farkle of her bed.

"Not again!" Riley yelled slightly. Farkle fell directly on his arm waking up instantly.

"Uggh" Farkle Groaned. He sat up on the ground holding his arm that wasn't cuffed. Riley kneeled next to him.

"Come on let's go get an ice pack" she said gloomily. Riley led Farkle into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack.

"I'm sorry"

"Riley it's okay it's not like I broke my arm" he said as she held the ice pack to his arm.

"We can tap out"

"No." Farkle said wide eyed "I will not loose"


"So your doing the handcuffs again?" Topanga asked curiously from the bay window in the living room. They watched yet another accident unfold in the kitchen.

"Yes" Cory said in his Cory voice.

"Why?" Topanga asked quietly

"Cause maybe this time it'll work" Cory exasperated grabbing onto Topangas' hands.

"You really need to stop meddling in our kids lives" Topanga said rolling her eyes as she watched Riley check Farkle for injuries she had to wonder what they had done this time.

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