Girl meets bear episode reveiw

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Honestly have zero clue were to start with this one.

I was so ready for a Riley centric episode about the bear but then the promo came out and it was gonna end up being about JOSHAYA like no thank you I like stuffed animals more. Although Zay was👌🏽


I love tacos as much as the next person, but

#1 Maya could have waited and ACTUALLY HELPED RILEY LOOK FOR THE BEAR instead of moping around.
•like you probably would have gotten your tacos way faster.


#2 Maya literally chose tacos over Riley

I love food and all, but if my friend needed help with something I could gladly wait. I would still get the food eventually.


The Cory/Auggie conversation about the boxing gloves necklace was so cute

Now onto the Topanga and Farkle conversation,

It honestly proves that Farkle literally parallels Topanga like... I didn't have feels before.


Is it bad that I was actually okay with Riley/Lucas's convo in this Ep? Like considering they cut the hug. What we got was pretty good. As a cannon couple they should be acting like a couple, which we unnecessarily do not get. It makes me wonder where the writers are going with this? 🤔

And I know that scene had shown a lot of growth from both Riley AND Lucas, but it was the writers choose to cut and I respect that.

Now The Bear

Honestly I understand it on Riley's part why that bear was so important to her. I mean I still have all of my stuffed animals. Yes it may be perceived as childish in some way, but saying you don't still have stuffed animals from your childhood that's a lie.

Beary gave her a sense of comfort when no one was there to take care of her. Beary was her best friend.

Now imagine if your best friend went missing, how would you react? Exactly.

Anyway overall id give the episode a 7/10 it was very crammed and rushed (aka another reason they should move the show to freeform so we get 45min D I S N E Y)

I now this review is late but who cares I have GLONY review set to be published Sept 17th 

Bye see ya later

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