GLONY episode review

384 15 4

Overall great episode

EDIT: I was tearing up like a FÜCKING baby

1. Farkle's story. I had been waiting forever for another Farkle-Centric episode. It was really nice to see him want to know more, although I wished they had brought up him not wanting to be a dictator anymore because of his past.

2. The way Farkle and Zay talked about they're story. Although they beat around the bush, we all got the inclination of what happened, and it was a great audience to character connection scene.

3. The zariakle thing was👌🏽. I could go on about how loving and comforting this scene was.

4. Everything relating to Farkle just made me cry 😭 but it was so well deserved. I have always been Vv fascinated with WWII and the Holocaust, and it was just UGH so fuckin beautiful.

But there are somethings that just...

1. Cory basically told the class to go find they're history but when his daughter asks him he tells her next to nothing, but then gets onto her for not digging deeper like is this Cory just being torn between his father self or teacher self? But then Topanga basically said the same thing like wat.

2. They made America sound like this great safe haven, for everyone. Like no way in hell I've lived here my entire life and have to witness so many heart wrenching things. Like America isn't safe for any race anymore. (Except for white people but I don't need to go into a long list of white privilege at this moment)

3. No America booth? Like hunty did you completely forget the NATIVE AMERICANS?!

4. No Smackle. Like bruh they're is so much you could have done with her history, like if you went into her story you could have brought up the Japanese concentration camps which was during a very rough time for Asian Americans, but no, because America has to be so amazing 🙄

5. Lucas not getting a background story in this Ep.

Like I honestly don't like Lucas but I love representation. As a interracial Texan with Mexican and Irish background, I'd love this.

He comes from Texas right? So bunch of Mexican-Americans live there, I mean Texas was literally owned by Mexico it was originally called Tejas, and then white people started basically illegally crossing the border, cause manifest destiny and shit.

(There are so many things wrong with the way the writers interpret Texas tbh)

So for Lucas to be mixed isn't as quite a stretch as you may think. Lucas could just have been born with a lighter complected skin tone taking after his Caucasian parent. I mean one of my friends is light skinned and blue eyed, but his little brother dark skinned and brown eyes.

This would potentially bring to light that not everyone in Texas is white.

Cause damn if they use my state and stereotype it as White Cowboy country I might as well throw my self in the Rio Grande.

In conclusion I do have my frets with this episode I wish they put more detail into the backgrounds, I'd give the episode a 7/10.

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