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Kay so I like FÜCKING love Hamilton and I remember reading a prompt way back about how every question you get right the other person takes off a piece of clothing. So that's basically what this is.

Genre: smut but like not because I can't right smut for shiz

They're in 11th grade so like 17


They were supposed to studying, well I mean it sort of was studying. They were at Farkle's house after school when Riley decided that she wanted to see who knew Hamilton better. Being the Farkle he is he took it as a challenge. The thing is every time someone gets a question right the other has to take an article of clothing off and if they get it wrong they have to take an article of clothing off.

"I've been reading common sense by Thomas Paine, so men say that I'm intense or I'm insane.."

"You want a revolution i wanna revelation, so listen to my declaration, we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and when I meet Thomas Jefferson imma compel him to include women the sequel work!" Riley finished/ sang as she did the choreography. Farkle let out a laugh Riley along with him, "Hey that was right take it off" she said gesturing towards his jacket.

"Welcome folks!..." Riley started gesturing for him to continue.

"To the Adams administration" he chimed in, "are you making these easy?" Farkle asked curiously

"Maybe" she smirked and took off her vest. Farkle just shook his head knowingly.


They were down to they're undergarments. Except instead of guessing Hamilton lyrics they were dancing to it. They were literally slow dancing to rap.

They were swaying back and forth. Riley was resting her head on his shoulder and Farkle rested his hands on her bare hips. She looked up at Farkle,

"Will you be Hamilton to my John Laurens?" Farkle let out a little chuckle,

"Of course sunshine"

She looked up at him, eyes full of pride. She put her lips to his. He picked her up as he maintained the kiss and walked towards the bed. He laid her down on the bed. His lips began to trail down to her neck then her stomach. Tiny moans escaped her mouth. He stopped when he realized what he was doing and looked up. Riley looked at him with lust. She pulled him back up to her lips. In which she began to grind on him. Moans escaped both of their mouths. They pulled apart.

"Do you wanna..."

"Are you ready to..."

Farkle leaned over and grabbed a condom under his pillow. Riley raised an eyebrows. He just shrugged his shoulders "your still wear more clothes than me" he said looking down at her bra.

"Yeah and what are you going to do about it" Riley taunted him. he put his lips back to hers, and unclasped her bra. Riley pulled the bra away showing her bare chest. He put on the condom he looked back up at her asking her silently for permission. She nodded.

Moans escaped both their mouths. They moved in sync with each other. The switched and now Riley was on top. She looked so beautiful, her moans were so beautiful. "I'm close" she breathed out. He just nodded. They finished off soon after each other, and fell next to each other on the bed. Farkle tossed the condom in the trash. Riley stared dreamy eyes at the ceiling.

"Thank you" Riley said as she rest her head in his chest. "For what?" He asked confused as to what she meant. Riley turned over to him looking straight into his eyes.

"Knowing Hamilton" she smiled and rubbed her thumb against his cheek.

"Well I'm glad that your satisfied"

"You could say I'm helpless"

"One day we'll tell the story of tonight"

"I'll wait for it"

"It'll be a winters ball, the eye of a hurricane" the puns were so bad but that didn't matter. They were laughing and exhausted. They both fell asleep in each other's arms.


This was so cute yet oddly weird to write. I totally recommend you listen to Hamilton it is amazing AF. I will totally do character comparisons of y'all want I finds those so incredibly fun to do!!

I needed to post this one before I posted another one-shot just so the reference would make sense. So I'll post that one in a couple of days maybe.

Anyways comment prompts here.

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