Frying pan.

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I'm really glad y'all like the new book. Anyways here's a cute/angsty one shot I wrote I couple of weeks ago.

Prompt: legit the title


Farkle woke in the middle of the night hungry. Riley was laying on his chest in her bed. Just them. It was winter break and Farkle's parents decided to go on a 'business trip' last minute so the Matthews let him stay here. He moved slightly, shifting Riley off his chest. Farkle stood up and walked to the kitchen to maybe grab a granola bar. He stood at the sink trying to think of a small night snack when he heard creaking. He suddenly became very wary and anxious. He slowly picked up a frying pan to protect himself. He walked over slowly to the edge of the kitchen. He held the pan ready to swing. The floor boards started creaking again as someone stepped closer. He swung. He heard someone yelp in pain. As he saw them fall forward he realized it was Riley. He caught her just before she hit the ground. "No no no" he said as he carried her onto the kitchen table laying her down. She was out cold. He checked her pulse and her breathing which seemed to be fine. He grabbed and ice pack placing it on her forehead.  "I'm so sorry Riley" he said freaking out a bit. Tears streamed down his face as he panicked. He picked her up and carried her to her room. Farkle set her down gently covering her with a blanket. He sat there staring at her. Pacing back and forth. It was almost 3 AM when Riley woke up. She instantly rubbed her head. Farkle looked over her,

"You hit me with a frying pan?!" Riley said her face turning to angry.

"Yes, but to be fair I thought you were a murderer" Farkle said trying to defend himself. Riley scooted over and gestured for Farkle to sit next to her. Farkle happily obliged. He turned to Riley and kissed the bump on her head. "I'm sorry Riley"

"It's alright just know that if I accidentally hit you with a frying pan you can't get mad" Riley said trying to get Farkle to nod along with her which didn't work.

"Does it feel any better?"

"Yeah I do, but my head still pounding a bit" Farkle not and got up and ran to the bathroom cabinet to grab some ALEVE. He walked back to the room and handed it to Riley who took it from him gratefully. Farkle smiled got in bed next to her.

"I really am sorry-" Farkle started apologetically but Riley cut him.

"Farkle it's alright I'm glad that you care" Riley said.

"Of course I care, I hit you with a frying pan who wouldn't be"

"Maya, she would probably laugh be concerned for a bit until I woke up and laugh again."

"Is something going on between you two again?" Farkle asked carefully sitting next to her.

"No of course not, that's just how I think Maya would react." Riley said, "Maya cares of course, but you know Maya"

"Well just know I'll always care"

"I know Farkle, I'm glad that you do" Riley said, some sort of silence fell upon them.

"Farkle if someone held a gun to your head, would you stop them from shooting?" Riley asked breaking the silence.

"Yes of course" Farkle answered back unsure of where Riley was going with this.

"Farkle I'm not sure if I would" Riley said, "like of course I could never shoot myself, but if and when I end up in a situation like that, I don't think I would stop them from shooting"

"Well would you want them to shoot?"

"No, but if they held a gun to my head I don't think I'd stop them." Riley responded. Farkle wasn't sure if he should be concerned or not. "Not like people would care"

"Come on Riley if you died who knows what I'd do without you" Farkle said.

"I know that you care, Like I said Farkle, not many people would" Riley sighed "i mean it's not like it'll take long for someone to become the new Riley"

"'We like Riley, we don't care who plays her' my life" Riley continued, rolling her eyes. She was so tired of everyone using her as they're happy dose. "They use me like a fucking drug" 

Farkle didn't stop her from ranting because she knew what she was saying was the truth.

"Riley always know that to me you could be murdering someone and I would still find you in awe." Farkle stated, "yes to me your like a drug but not just your happiness is the substance. Everything about you, your body, your personality, the way you smile, or how you laugh." He caressed her cheek, Riley smiled at him sadly.

"I'd overdose on the entirety that is Riley Matthews" Farkle continued. "Well that is metaphorically speaking, I'm a genius, I'd never overdose" he said contradicting himself. Riley giggled.

"I'm glad I could make you smile" Farkle said smiling down at her.

"You've always been there to make smile, usually it's the other way around" she said sadly.

"Riley please don't sell yourself short" Farkle stated, "Riley if you think you are supposed to be perfect, you can't be because perfect doesn't mean unique."

"It doesn't mean getting hit with a frying pan at 3 in the morning." Farkle continued. Riley giggled, although she wants to hit Farkle with the frying pan because he hit her with a frying pan, she really wanted shower him in kisses for making her feel better.

"Farkle what did I do to deserve you?" Riley asked staring lovingly into his eyes.

"I'd ask you the same question" Farkle smiled, "I think we did nothing, but someone decided that we were meant to meet each other"

They both started leaning in unintentionally, soon they're lips connected. Riley leaned onto Farkle making him fall back into the bed. Riley straddled and they made out into the night.


Well that was a weird ending anyways hope you liked it.

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