Man, she really is a space hoe

978 26 7

I got this idea from Supernatural just to let you know.

Word count: 1210

Prompt: "I found a liquor store and I drank it"

K so there both legal and living on there own in New York


Farkle was just have a casual study evening. Ever since he and Riley both got into Columbia he couldn't help but stress out. School wasn't the problem it was Riley. She was just so beautiful, the more time they spent studying together the more he fell in love. He was going to go make another pot of coffee when they're was a nock at the door. He slowly opened it, he wasn't expecting someone so late at night.

Before him stood a very drunk Riley "Riley what happened?" He said concerned as he let her through the door. She slouched against the door frame.

"I found a liquor store" Riley slurred


"I drank it" she walked over to Farkle gripping on to his T-shirt. She smelled of alcohol and vodka.

"Riley..." He said trying to guide her towards the couch. She toppled down in the recliner facing Farkle. "You know Farkle your very pretty. Like vv pretty"

"Riley you aren't making sense let me go grab some water" he said leaving her in the living room  he could still hear her though when he got back and handed her the water she just smiled.

"This is the exact reason I'm in love with you" she said sighing looking at the ceiling with a dazed look "I mean I have been for a while you know? Like who could resist a genius with a face"

Farkle just ignored her commentary and went to go grab a trash bag as he looked up hangover foods. She was too drunk to know what she was saying.

"Riles go to sleep we'll speak in the morning" Farkle tried pleading her so he could go back to studying.

"But I want to talk to you" she slurred out.

Farkle just nodded. This isn't the first time he's seen Riley drunk, well not to this extant. He just went back to studying as Riley just started talking about random things,

"Pluto so much more interesting when your not sober" she slurred out "like its this lonely forgotten planet but everyone still loves it" she paused "It's this tiny little rock smaller than Russia was named after the Roman god who was kicked out of Olympus" she stifled a drunken laugh "oh gods the irony" she paused for a moment, "Pluto will never get the recognition it deserves, like every other planet is just like 'O MY GOD ME' it's so annoying,

"Jupiter is just like I'm so big, I'm the king of the world" she said waving her arms "Saturn is just like look at me I have rings your gonna have to remember me, I have so many wives" she rolled her eyes "and Uranus, o my gods, the puns are just so annoying, me being an astrology major having to live through all the bad pick up lines,"

"Mars, I mean the only bad thing I have to say about Mars is that it may be redder than my period" Riley stated which made Farkle giggle a bit "then there's earth like why are we
Called such a boring ass name like you know what's a better name, Pluto. It just ugh" she groaned in frustration. "Then there's Venus which is identical earth but it's like the fuck up twin to any set. And Mercury like why the hell aren't you on fire?! Now back to the gas giants. Aka Neptune. Like did these people not have any creativity when naming like just cause it blue don't mean it the fucking sea."

This continued for a couple more  minutes before she rounded back to Pluto, "Pluto... I just want Pluto to realize that so many people love them" she trailed off soon Farkle realized that she had fallen asleep. He knew that Riley was a definite space hoe, but O MY GOD. He finished studying and got ready for bed. He saw Riley scrunched up on the couch. He grabbed a blanket and covered her slowly. He left a bottle of ibuprofen and some water on the coffee table.


Riley woke up the next morning with a massive headache and a side of where the fuck am I? She slowly began to realize where she was and what had happened last night, Maya had finally convinced her to go to this college party at NYU near Farkle's apartment. She was so drunk. Some how she ended up here all she can remember is ranting to him about space and telling she ... loved him. Oh she fucked up bad. She sat up slowly trying not to concentrate on the pounding in her head. She walked slowly to Farkle's room. Shifting her eyes from the light. Riley realized she was still in her party dress from last night and sneaked over and grabbed on of Farkle's over sized T-shirt and sweats. Farkle was still sleeping soundly so she tried moving swiftly as possible. Which didn't work, she's Riley. Riley was just walking to the bathroom, turning slightly knocking over a vase. She inwardly cringed at the sound of the crash. Farkle bolted out of his bed.

"Riley?! Are you okay" Farkle asked. she was surrounded by a broken ceramic. She looked around dazed.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry"

"Riley it's okay can you step towards me?" She nodded and leaped over the broken ceramic and fell into Farkle's arms. "You can go change in my bathroom " she just nodded slowly, and walked back into Farkle's room. He didn't want to bring up what she had said last night considering she may not remember any of it. He cleaned up the mess and sat on the couch reading another text book. Riley walked out beautiful like always.she sat down next to him.

"Look I'm sorry for ranting to you about Pluto" she sighed "and I'm sorry for barging in her drunk confessing my love for you. That was definitely not how I wanted to do it"

"You don't need to be sorry. I'm glad it was my apartment that you walked into drunk and not some horny college boy" Farkle said he reached out and brushed away the hair that had fallen in her face. "And I want you to know that I love it when you rant to me about planets just as much as I'm in love with you"

She looked up, "really?"

"Of course always have since the first grade." He smile and pulled her into his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "You look beautiful"

She kissed him lightly but it turned into a passionate kiss. They made out for a long while before breaking apart for air. They looked deeply into each other's eyes.

"So where'd you find that liquor store?" Farkle asked with a smirk. Riley started laughing. Farkle joined. They spent the rest of that morning going over what had happened last night;


Hope you liked it. Btw Riley's opinions on the planets is what I came up with while writing and they be true.

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