Your the panic of my life

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Thanks for the feed back on the cover! I'm glad you love it just as much as I do ;)

Word count: 2215
Prompt: you smell nice
Genre: fluffy
TW: panic attacks and feeling sick


They were all gathered at Topanga's when Farkle walked through the door with all his gloriousness. Well that was at least what Riley thought. Over the past few months she was slowly developing more than friends feelings. She realized just how much she really needed him.

Farkle took the seat next to Riley in the round booth. Riley couldn't help but take in his full image, catching scent of his very clairvoyant vanilla and pine smell. Sort of like a Christmas tree. Her heart fluttered at his sight. Riley just blurted out, "you smell nice"

Everyone turned to her with a very confused look including Farkle who was just blushing madly. "Um, thanks" he said scratching the back of his neck. "You smell nice too"

"Oh thanks" Riley said blushing from embarrassment.

"Yeah, okay" he nodded and turned back to his school work. Riley messed up bad. She was so embarrassingly stupid. She was just mentally face palming herself. All of sudden she felt sick, like really sick. Riley didn't remember eating anything that could make her stomach upset. She could feel herself begin to shake.

"Are you okay Riley?" Maya said. Riley shook her head and looked up and motioned for water. Farkle got up to let her out of the booth as he handed her a water bottle. His face covered with concern. She took the water bottle and ran to the restroom. She ran into the nearest stall. She sat on the floor breathing in and out fast. She was freaking out. This had never happened to her! What was happening?!

Maya and Smackle rushed into the restroom, "Riley?!" Maya called out.

  Riley looked up from the toilet and banged on the Stall door signaling she was inside. The door opened slowly revealing a sick Riley who was hyperventilating.

"Riley what's wrong?" Smackle asked as she sat next to Riley on the floor

"I can't breath" she aired out.

"Maya go get her mom and tell the boys to call an ambulance"

Maya rushed out of the restroom to which the three boy stood outside crowding the door. "Call 911. Tell them she can't breath. Farkle go in there maybe you can help" she said. Before rushing away to her mother at the cash register.

Farkle pulled out his phone and Dialed as he walked into the girls bathroom. Riley was sweating and panting with short breaths of air. Smackle was trying to help but nothing was working.

"911. What is your emergency?" The operator asked

"My best friend can't breath" he said in a rushed tone.

"Ok sir what is your name?" She seamed calm which was the opposite of what Farkle was feeling

"Farkle minkus"

"Where are you, Farkle?" she responded with no hesitation of how weird his name sounded.

"We're at Topanga's in Greenwich village"

"Okay Farkle were sending an ambulance" Farkle hung up and looked to Riley dropping his phone on the ground and rushing to her. He looked to Smackle. She gave him a simplistic look. Farkle looked back at Riley. Her entire body was shaking.

"Riley look at me" Farkle said. She looked up at him with tears dripping down her face. "Riley try breathing in" it was very clear to him that she was having a panic attack. She just shook her head signaling she couldn't. Sirens came from outside.

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