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Barcelona, Spain.


It was the only word that could describe the scene in front of Dolcé, as She looked around the land that once held peace, now scattered with dead bodies, the once green grass bathed in blood, war cries and painful howls filling the once calm and quiet air. The foul stench of death making her sick.

She looked at the baby cradled in her arms, when he suddenly started crying hysterically, as if he was aware of the gruesome reality of what took place outside these walls.

She looked around the room filled with women and children and didn't fail to notice their fear stricken expressions, some of them with tear stained faces, mourning the loss of their loved ones.

She rocked the baby in her arms, trying to calm him down and looked out the window, the only source that was keeping her aware of the outer world, She couldn't wait any longer, She wanted to know where her mate and daughter were, if they were safe or not.

She walked towards the other door of the basement, where all the women and children were sheltered in these type of situations, and pushed the door open facing the wooden stair case that led to the toppest floor of the castle where the Royal bedroom was located.

She called out to her, four year old toddler sitting in the corner looking at the scene in front of him in wonder. He ran towards his mother, holding her hand tightly as if his life depended on it.

"Luna, ¿a dónde vas? No es seguro ahí afuera!". (Luna, where are you going? It's not safe out there!)". Asked Xaria, the beta's mate.

"Tengo que encontrarlos, no puedo sentarme aquí y no hacer nada, tengo que hacer algo para salvarnos a todos". (I have to find them, I can't just sit here and do nothing, I have to do something to save us all)". She replied and before Xaria could say anything, She made her way up the stairs, closing the door behind her.

She reached the top floor and made her way to the study room located at the end of the long stretched hallway. The hallway was lit up with candles and lanterns, an orange glow illuminating the path leading towards the door.

She entered and placed the now sleeping baby gently on the couch, the little boy sat on the couch as well beside his baby brother looking at his mother going through the old antique box, an urgency in her movements.

Dolcé looked through the box for a small black coloured book, that was given to her by the sorceress at the Royal ball, She remembered her saying that if the couple ever needed any help they could ask without hesitation, At that time Dolcé didn't think she would need it until now.

She found the black book at the very bottom of the box and snatched it out going through the pages frantically, looking for the verses that could show the sorceress the path to the castle and bring her here. When she found them she started reciting them loudly.

She kept chanting the verses of ancient language loudly like a prayer, for a while nothing happened and the little hope that she had was slipping away. When she almost gave up and was about to close the book and stop reciting, white smoke fogged her surroundings and the whole room lit up brightly, making it hard for her to see, slowly the smoke vanished and she came face to face with a man dressed in a long black cloak.

He removed the hood from his head and faced the woman standing in front of him, concern shown on his features.

"Esteban?". She said looking at her childhood friend in shock.

"¡Dolcé! ¿Estàs bien? ¿Està todo bien? ¿Dónde està Julien? ¿Que esta pasando?". (Dolcé! Are your alright? Is everything okay? Where's Julien? What's going on?)". He asked panicked. He knew something wasn't right, the smell of death in the air was so strong to be ignored even by a normal human being, and he was the son of the sorceress, He couldn't ignore it even if he wanted to.

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