Chapter 45.

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Chapter 45: Uncloaked.

Alexandra stood in front of the mirror staring at the girl looking back at her, a girl who she didn't recognize, a girl who's been trying but failing at finding herself an identity -something a person gets as soon as they open their eyes in this world and yet they dare to take it for granted.

One would say she looked pretty, beautiful even but appearances can be deceiving, for when people look they only see what they want to see and they only like what they see until they find something that seems to contradict with their perfect perception.

At first they don't look for the flaws, hidden or not and once they start looking for them, they don't stop and the beauty they once found so ethereal suddenly dies and instead they see something so ugly and impure that they can't even look at it.

A soft knock on the door pulled her out of her messed up thoughts and she turned to answer positively just as, Leonardis poked his head in and did a double take as soon as his eyes settled on his sister. He didn't know why, it suddenly hit him like a ton of bricks, the realization that his baby sister has grown up and she was so beautiful.

Just like their mother.

He felt like a proud father as he looked at his sister in that moment, for even though he wasn't that old when they lost their parents, he did try to look after her, protect her and be there for her just as a father would for his daughter.

"Do I look that bad?" Alexandra said, when he just stood there looking at her silently.

"No! no, you look beautiful! I was just surprised, this is the first time I've seen you this dressed up", He replied, swallowing the numerous emotions he felt and settled himself on her navy satin covered bed.

Alexandra was expecting a lighthearted snarky remark in reply but, when she didn't get one and noticed how he looked at her in silent awe, she realized her brother was feeling emotional. He might put up a stoic front just as she does but, if one looked hard enough they would see just how expressive his eyes were.

"Because this is the first time I've dressed up this much. Anyway, who's your date? Are you even going?" She inquired, drifting the conversation to a different track before it could go down the dreaded route.

Emotions weren't her forte.

"Duh. Do you really think Dad would let me miss it? It's events like these where one can hog the most money or potential investors if you would". He said with a sigh, hinting at his probable future or what he thought of it.

"Do you have a date though?" She questioned again, as she sat down on the edge of the bed, putting on the nude heels that Julia insisted she wears before leaving. The three of them were supposed to get ready together but, her mother's car broke down so she had to leave last minute to pick her up from work and Danaya, much to her displeasure, had to pick up as she said 'her annoying, pain in the asS of a little brother' from his karate classes.

"Of course I do, it's protocol. I can't get in without one".

"Is it Julia?" Alexandra said, wriggling her eyebrows teasingly.

"Did she tell you that?" He asked, somewhat confused and hopeful.

"She didn't actually, dodged the question when I asked. So, I assumed it was you that's why she felt awkward telling me". She said, stopping what she was doing and looked at him expectantly.

"It's not her. I had a deal with mum, I'm taking her friend, Dorothea Marquez's daughter". Leo explained with an exhausted sigh, he didn't know he would actually find his mate when he told his mum he would take Mandy, or was it Marissa?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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