Chapter 15.

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:Picture of Damién:

Chapter 15: Mate.

Damién walked out of his history class when the lunch bell rang, making his way towards the cafeteria thorough the crowded hallways, adjusting the strap of his backpack on his shoulder, his eyes on the floor with his thoughts revolving only around one thing or rather person.

Alexandra Wilfred.

"Hey, Damién". Said the annoyingly high-pitched voice of Lola Michael, one of her manicured hands coming to rest on Damién's chest covered with his black t-shirt. Damién didn't return her greeting, just looked at her hand on his chest, then her overly make up covered face with an arched eyebrow. She removed her hand from his chest and straightened up, pushing her chest out a bit more, that was already popping out of her tightly fitted white tank top, a black leather short skirt covering her bottom, at least as much as it could.

"I was just wondering". She started, now trailing her index finger down his jaw, making his annoyance peak. "What do you want me to get you for your birthday?". She asked in the same annoying voice of her, removing her finger from his jaw, when she notice the murderous look on his face and twirling a strand of her bleach blonde hair around it. "You can even have me, if you'd like". A fact about Lola Michael, she has probably slept with every guy in this school, including some of the teachers except a few lucky ones that include Damién and Aiden.

"Don't be there". He said, monotonous and walked past her, continuing on his way towards the cafeteria. A hand came on his shoulder, followed by the laughter of his best friend and his own lips tipped up in a small smile. Aiden and Damién entered the cafeteria together, silencing the chatter around for a few moments and made their way towards their usual table, greeting their other friends before settling down.

"For the last time, Blake. I'm not going to that stupid birthday party". He heard a familiar voice say, as she walked passed his table with her friends. That British accent, hard to go unnoticed. The smile--he had on his face while listening to the story Joe, the prankster was telling them about his recent prank, instantly turned into a frown as soon as he heard the words escape her lips. Aiden noticed the frown on his face and nudge him with his elbow to get his attention.

"Huh, sorry what?". Damién said, addressing Aiden.

"What's wrong?". Aiden asked, his eyebrows knitted together in curiosity. Damién opened his mouth to tell him, but stopped and shook his head with a shrug, nonchalantly. "Come on, I might be able to help. Is it about the pack?". He questioned lowly, making sure nobody heard.

"No". Damién said vaguely and rolled his eyes when Aiden arched his eyebrow, gesturing for him to continue, Damién sighed, knowing how curious his best friend can be at times. "Alexandra is not going to my party". He said, then made a face. "Shit, I sound so whiny". He added, then looked at Aiden for his reaction and slowly a smirk made it's way to Aiden's lips.

"And you want her there for your next move?". He said, excitedly.

"What? What move?". Damién questioned, confused.

"Your move, remember you dropped the warning at my party?". He said, trying to make him remember.

"There are going to be no moves from now on, at least from my side". Damién sighed, recalling the time at Aiden's party. "Not if what i'm thinking or rather feeling, turns out right". He added as an after thought.

"What? What's going on? I'm so fuckıng confused right now". Aiden said, his face scrunched up in confusion. Damién told him all about his sudden change of feelings towards Alexandra and about the strong gut feeling that he has about her being his mate and waited for his reaction, the both of them were silent for a few seconds, before Aiden burst out laughing, catching the attention of his friends around the table and a few other tables surrounding them, Damién looked at him laughing so hard and falling off his chair, his irritation growing by the second. He waited for a few seconds for him to calm down, but when he didn't, He picked up his backpack and made his way out of the cafeteria, before Aiden could divert the attention of the whole cafeteria towards him, not that it wasn't already. Aiden saw him leaving and hurriedly picked up his own backpack before following after him, little chuckles still escaping his lips.

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