Chapter 4.

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:Picture of Esteban:

Chapter 4: "Enjoy your spot".

Damién Monteiro made his way out of the class after the bell rang, the crowded hallway parted for him like the red sea. He stalked towards the cafeteria, all eyes on him, his lips tipped up in a cocky smirk, he winked at the few girls he passed by in the hallway making them giggle. Entering the cafeteria, he made his way towards his usual table, where his friends sat chatting and laughing.

Greeting them and dropping his bag on the chair, he was about to turn to go get some lunch, only to collide with a small figure, the tray in their hands fell on the floor, their once spotless gray shirt now stained with ketchup. They looked up and his brown orbs connected with the blue ones darkened with anger.

Alexandra looked up at the figure she collided with about to tell them off, when her blue eyes connected with the familiar chocolate brown one's and her once angry glare turned into a murderous one.

"Can't you fuckıng see where you're going?!". Alexandra exclaimed angrily, her heavy English accent prominent.

"I don't have eyes on the back of my head". Damién replied, with the same amount of anger radiating off of him. By now, every eye in the cafeteria was on them, their food forgotten, the fight between the school's King and the only girl that has the guts to stand up to him, seemingly more interesting.

"Admitting your flaws, are you?". She replied in a mocking tone, with a small smirk. "Move out of my way". She said, glaring at him now.

"I quite like this spot, find another way". He said with a sly smirk.

Her fists clenched in anger, She moved her gaze from his face and it fell on the table to her left, She picked up the can of coke on the table and poured it all over his head. "Enjoy your spot". She spat, looking him dead in the eye, before stalking off around him towards her table.

Damién glared at everyone, making them turn their attention back to the food, his back towards her table, he looked like he was ready to snap anyone's neck that came his way, his eyes turning the captivating golden yellow, the Alpha in him resurfacing, he picked up his backpack and raced out of the cafeteria, before he could do something outrageous.

Alexandra plopped down on the chair beside Blake, fuming with anger on the wastage of food, because of that jerk.

Julia opened her mouth to say something only to close it, when Alexandra glared at her.

"Okay, don't kill me". Blake started cautiously and her glare was now directed towards him. "But, you better watch your back now". He said, making her furious.



So, here's another chapter, hope you guys enjoy it and don't forget to vote and comment because that really helps.


Till next time..........

Romaisa Choudhry.

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