Chapter 40.

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Chapter 40: His only family.

The Kingdom of Belleza, Spain.

Prince Xavier Gonzalo the III, the apparent King of all the werewolves around the world, sat behind the shinning ebony desk on a black leather chesterfield chair in his study room located at the top most storey of the Royal Castle.

Dressed in a dark gray three piece suit, his blazer hanging on the antique coat hanger placed slightly parallel to his chair behind him, his double breasted waistcoat over a crisp white shirt wrinkle free and fitting him so perfectly, adding to his intimidating and sophisticated aura.

Dressed in a dark gray three piece suit, his blazer hanging on the antique coat hanger placed slightly parallel to his chair behind him, his double breasted waistcoat over a crisp white shirt wrinkle free and fitting him so perfectly, adding to hi...

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His posture straight, his light brown hair sleeked back neatly atop his head, his ocean blue orbs fixated intensely on the cunning Greek beauty occupying the chair in front of him, his angular and stoic features not betraying any of his emotions.

"You can try and hide it all you want, Μεγαλειότατε. I can feel the eagerness radiating off of you". Her sultry drawl filled the once deafening silence that surrounded the room. (Your Majesty).

"Did you find them?". His Royal Highness asked getting straight to the point, not beating around the bush.

"Oh! Of course I have, Αρχοντας. How can it be, that you desire something of me and I don't deliver". She replied flirtatiously, batting her long curled lashes at him alluringly. "I hope you are ready to fullfil my demands, Μεγαλειότατε". She stated, a hungry smirk adorning her full crimson lips. (Sire).

"Slow down, Hermosa. It's you who has supposedly found them, not I. When I do only then will I be fulfilling any of your demands". He interpreted, seemingly calm and composed from the outside, though he was anything but on the inside. "So, you should probably go ahead and tell me about your discovery".

She parted her plump lips to retort but, was interrupted by the sound of a knock resonating throughout the room.

On Xavier's affirmative command the doors were opened by the two Royal guards stationed outside the study, revealing Iñigo standing at the threshold. He bowed before entering and the doors were closed behind him.

"I was feeling like something was missing in the room and was actually going to inquire about it from, Υψηλότατε. I don't have to now, I got my answer". She said, her hypnotizing ebony orbs fixated on Iñigo, as he came and stood by the left side of the desk. (Your Highness).

"Su Majestad". He bowed again completing the curtsy.

"Take a seat, Iñigo". Said Xavier, pointing his hand towards the black chesterfield sofa placed on the left side of the well lit room besides the book rack.

"The sooner we find them, the sooner you can have what you want. Where are they?" He demanded when he saw her sitting idle staring at Iñigo, who was trying to look anywhere but at her.

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