Chapter 36.

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Chapter 36: "The Deusa Lua herself!".

Alexandra made her way down the hallway reluctantly towards her last class of the day. Art class to be more specific.

She knew something was wrong with her and it happened only when she was around him or when he was mentioned in a conversation or when her brain was forcing her to think about him when she didn't even want to and what she felt was not good, not at all.

She was attracted to him, immensely that much she was aware of and it was nothing new she had always been attracted to him, she couldn't deny the fact that he was hot even though she wanted to very much.

But, there was also something else she felt everytime he was in the vicinity, which she has not been able to decipher yet and a part of her didn't want to know what it was, for she dreaded it being something way more awful than her being attracted to the person she thought she hated the most once.

She entered the classroom and his intoxicating scent hit her even before her eyes settled on him and obliviously she didn't even find that aspect strange for she hasn't been unable to think straight since all this started occuring.

Sitting back in his chair leisurely, his features schooled impassively, hair a mess atop his head, dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a dark maroon t-shirt, his signature leather jacket with black Jordans and boy, did he look hot!

His gaze never once strayed away from her, his caramel brown orbs staring at her with raw intensity that almost made her knees buckle, she had to hold the door to prevent her clumsiness from making an appearance.

She gulped nervously, taking a deep subtle breath before slowly stalking towards her chair beside him. She wanted to look away but couldn't, it felt like some invisible force was gluing their gazes together.

She dropped her bag beside the chair and settled down stiffly, unusually he was the one who broke the stare and focused on the front, where Mrs. Khalid now stood writing something on the board.

They got an A+ on their last project and she got to discover the hidden nerd that he was, she wasn't really that surprised though, for she was aware of his prodigious performance academically but, another thing that she discovered, which made her cringe and almost regret her decision of befriending him was that his favourite subject is Math.

Like seriously?! How can someone even like Math?!

Mrs. Khalid started explaining the topic for today's class, they were to reflect upon the antediluvian art and their next project would be regarding that only, which Alexandra was having a problem understanding, for she was unable to pay attention to what was being said because of the certain someone determinedly ignoring her existence.

After fifteen minutes of seeing him just ignoring her and paying attention to the teacher she was starting to make her feel frustrated.

For some reason the fact that he wasn't interacting with her or even looking at her annoyed her beyond wards and because she was getting annoyed by the aforementioned fact, it only infuriated her even more.

God, what is wrong with me? Why is his presence making me feel like this suddenly?! Why do I become so apprehensive around him?

The silence was getting too much and her thoughts were getting too loud, She needed a distraction, her eyes strayed towards his direction at the thought and she pursed her lips, staring at his side profile, which was truly a pleasure.

Why can't he be ugly?!

She thought ruefully and her breath hitched in her throat as he suddenly turned and looked at her with eyebrows raised in question.

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