Chapter 35.

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Chapter 35: "And now I'm suppose to convince you to go on a date with him".

"You know why you're here, don't you?" He asked the woman in front of him being restrained by the two guards, looking rather disheveled compared to the nifty atmosphere around.

Slowly, a menacing smirk appeared on her full pink lips and if that wasn't conformation enough the mischievous glint in her wide black orbs left no room for doubt.

"Can do you it?! Can you break those hechizos?" Even though he tried very hard to keep his nerves at bay, an urgency could still be detected in his tone of voice by the way it cracked towards the end of the sentence due to nervousness.

"Of course, I can. But, it's a two way road down here, Μεγαλειότατε. What are you willing to give?" It was her turn to question how willing he was to get what he wanted. (Your Majesty).

"What do you want?" He questioned right back without preamble for he knew this was coming.

Nothing comes without a price in this hoggish world.

"Are you sure you will be able to give it to me, Υψηλότατε?" She asked, her Greek elocution prominent in her speech, making sure to keep her black orbs locked with his ocean blue ones, the smirk on her lips never ceasing it was almost teasing. (Your Highness).

"After you break those spells and if we find them only then will you be getting anything that you want". He stated with such finality that even she hesitated before voicing out her next words.

"How can I be sure that you'd keep your word?" She asked, narrowing her eyebrows slightly.

"You and I, as well as everyone else in this room knows that you're the only one who cannot be trusted among us". He retorted with a small smirk of his own.

She took a few moments before responding, seemingly contemplating over the arrangement that was being finalized between them.

"Anything, you say?" She asked once again for conformation and from her peripheral vision saw Iñigo Bautista--the basTard because of whom she got banished--opening his mouth to interrupt, but decided against it and took a step back.

Good boy.

She thought, smirking even wider when their eyes suddenly met and she winked at him discreetly.

"Anything" He confirmed, though his face was stoic but if one would look closely they could tell that he wasn't really thrilled about this particular setting. "What do you want?" He knew what it was that she wanted but, he asked again nonetheless wanting to hear her say it.

"I want my status and territory back in the Βασίλειο". She stated, confirming his dreadful thoughts. (Kingdom).


Alexandra Wilfred walked through the crowded hallways towards the dinning hall, it was lunch time and she was starving.

Her decision of going to school to distract herself and keep her thoughts at bay--didn't really work so well considering the fact that she kept zoning out throughout her classes hardly paying attention in any of her lessons, her thoughts drifting exactly where she did not want them to making her want to rip her hair out of frustration.

She didn't bump into any of them again which she was immensely thankful about.

She did not want to think about Damién fuCking Monteiro anymore than she already was.

Moreover, She managed to get herself an after school detention when she absent mindedly by 'accident' blurted out to the teacher that 'he sucked at explaining' which by the way was a fact.

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