Chapter 26.

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:Picture of Alexandra:

Chapter 26: "How do you know her boobs are fake?"

Damién walked the long driveway of his mansion and reached the front door, punching in the code the doors opened and he entered, only wearing his shorts, that he kept in the backyard for his abrupt runs, like today, though this whole shifting thing was still new to him, but it felt like second nature, his brown hair in a disheveled state a top his head, his body covered with sweat and dirt.

He was greeted by their house keeper as soon as he entered, He made his way towards the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing a water bottle and gulped it down.

"Where were you?". He heard his mother's voice and turned to see her standing at the kitchen entrance, with her hands on her hips and her caramel brown orbs--that he inherited from her--looking at his distraught appearance, a perfectly plucked eyebrow raised, dressed in a long dark blue coloured sundress with a white cardigan, her brown hair in a sleek ponytail, looking beautiful as always.

"Hello to you too and I went for a run". He replied, anticipating the question that she was about to ask, the one question she has been asking, since he turned eighteen.

"Take a seat". She said and walked further in, seating herself by the kitchen island on the barstool, Damién sighed and sat down across her, exploring his brain for a believable excuse to get out of this situation, for the hundredth time.

"Who is she?". She asked.

Here we go again!

He thought and looked at his mother, who was looking at him expectantly.

"I told you, I haven't found her yet". He repeated the same line for the hundredth time. He still didn't tell anyone about Alexandra, except Aiden and Julia. His mother has been pestering him about it since his birthday, when he cancelled the pack gathering, where he was suppose to introduce his mate, telling them that he hadn't found their Alpha female yet, which was obviously not true and he knew that his mother knew that he was lying to her.

"Damién Dimitríus Monteiro, if you lie to me one more time, I swear to the Goddess, whatever will happen next is going to be your own fault. Now, tell me who is she?" She asked again, giving him a death glare that always managed to do the trick.

"She is someone who doesn't really like me". He sighed, not looking at his mother, his eyes fixated on the water bottle in front of him, thinking about the incident in the classroom and shaking his head, ruefully.

"I didn't ask, if she likes you or not. I asked who is She?" She said, her eyebrows narrowed, waiting impatiently.

He hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to tell her or not, He knew he would have to ask Charlie about it soon and his parents are going to find out from him and he also needed help with the whole making-her-like-him thing so, He decided to tell her.

"Alexandra". He said and as soon as her name escaped his lips, He was met by pin drop silence, something he wasn't expecting. 

The Monteiro's and the Wilfred's, both the families knew the other well, along with being business partners, they were good friends too, save from himself and Alexandra, the both of them have hated each others guts since the very beginning, the encounter in Arcane High's hallway wasn't their first interaction, but he knew at that time too, that his parents adored her. So, that is why he was a little surprised, when his mother didn't immediately started planning their wedding and telling him how many grandkids she wanted. Not even exaggerated.

"Mom?" He said, when she just kept on staring at him, without blinking.

"Alexandra? Esteban's daughter?". She asked, although she knew the answer, She still wanted to confirm to make sure they both were talking about the same person.

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